Our Mission
The main goal of the Kindred Fellowship is to provide a spiritual family of brothers and sisters for single adults within the church. We do this by regularly praying for each other, enjoying one another’s company, and getting to know our community in some really fun ways…
Enjoying Each Other

We recently had our annual campout at Camp Damro. We were so blessed to have the Street Level Campus Ministry join us this year. God gave us the perfect weather. We started Friday night with testimonies from members from both Street Level and Kindred. We then capped the night off with some fireworks (which turned into a competition with a neighbor’s explosions… but I’m pretty sure we won that war). It was a blast! The next morning started with devotions around the fire with pastor Tim’s recent newsletter article on Finishing Well. We then took a swift tube ride down the fast-moving Red Cedar River. A few adventurous folks went for a second bonus ride around Camp Damro and found an old rope swing. Heather from Street Level was a clear champ (she has a nack at mid-air acrobatics). We have an awesome church family…

Meeting Our Community
Kindred also took a road trip to local towns to let people know about our Sunday Morning Broadcast on The CW TV station. We hung some posters and stopped in Osseo for some fantastic traditional Norwegian cuisine at Norske Nook… Any road trip in the church van equals a good time!

We were also given a perfect day to give away ice cream floats at two local parks. We handed out 75 floats, mostly to people we were meeting for the first time. Several people asked who we were, why we were giving away floats, and about our church. We handed out a few flyers with more information to those who wanted them. It was a great way to get to know our neighbors in Menomonie and let them know who we are.

Prayer Requests
We would appreciate your prayers for the Kindred Fellowship as we move into late summer.
- That we would grow closer as brothers and sisters, sharing spiritual needs, praying for each other, and speaking into each other’s lives.
- That those who joined our group over the last couple of months would quickly feel at home within our fellowship.
- That we would continue to find ways to meet our local community, get to know them, and show them who we are in Christ.