Read the latest update from the mission field and Shofar Mission Cebu.
Team Preparations
Have you noticed that the JFB mission’s season has turned into mission’s year? Plans for the spring team are already in the works, so we’ve been able to do some of the advance prep for them to come. We recently took a trip south of the city to present Shofar Mission and the upcoming ministries to a regional group of pastors. As a parachurch organization, we’re always thankful to make new friends and be a part of what God is doing in local churches throughout the Philippines. We’re looking forward to seeing what He has in store for the next team and glad to be a part of all the teams that come here…

Exploring Creation Science
This branch of Shofar Mission seeks to equip young and developing minds to know why they believe what they believe. A variety of lessons are taught to primary and secondary students in both private and public schools. In February, lessons were taught to grades 4-12 at four different schools (two new schools). Each lesson includes a mixture of lecture, PowerPoint, video, discussion, and experiments. For the younger students, there is more lecture and experiments, whereas the older students engage more with video teaching and challenging group discussions. Many of the high school students have already made up their minds about what they believe about creation, science, and how we all got here. Through Exploring Creation Science, they are challenged to consider if what they believe is actually true, or if perhaps God’s good design in creation and science actually work together.

Not only does God use this branch of Shofar Mission to reach students, but it also provides opportunities to build relationships with teachers, principals, and pastors of churches that have schools. We’ve found that many of them run in the same circles, so a lot of the new schools bridge off of relationships with previous schools! God continues to open new doors as this ministry keeps growing and expanding. On the docket for the upcoming school year is the development of new curriculum for both senior high and elementary lessons as well as reaching out to new schools (public and private).
Campus Outreach
Did you know that in 2018, there were over 2.3 million Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW’s) throughout the world? Over 50% of them worked in western Asia, many of them in closed nations that are hostile to the gospel.[1] For Filipinos, it is quite easy to find work in these nations. So, what does this have to do with campus ministry? A lot, in fact. In many conversations with young people (both high school and college students), their dream is to work abroad so they can send money home to their families. What would happen if while they’re studying here in the Philippines, the gospel really got a hold of them, then propelled them into closed nations where they can go and make disciples? We could change the world for King and Kingdom…

Through Street Level Ministries, students are able to participate in God’s Kingdom work and be equipped for whatever God may call them to in the future. Members can volunteer for Word on the Street Magazine or Street Level Radio, receive solid biblical teaching, engage in Christian community, and have multiple opportunities to reach out to other students. During the past month, we held two live radio broadcasts (one on-campus and one off-campus), passed out WOTS magazines, held weekly dinners and biblical discussions, launched the next issue of WOTS, met on campus for a verse-by-verse Bible study, and took an early morning hike to see the city. We were even able to have an informational booth on campus during Student’s Day at the University of the Visayas.
It’s amazing to be a part of all that God is doing among the university students here, and our prayers are that the seeds we plant would grow and bear fruit for years to come… in the Philippines and to the ends of the world.
Prayer Requests
- Team Preparations – that God would open and close doors as He sees fit as we plan and prepare, and that we would be able to reach the people He wants us to.
- Exploring Creation Science – meetings with new schools, scheduling of lessons for the next school year, and development of new curriculum.
- Campus Outreach – for the students to make the most of their remaining school year (many of them graduate in May) and seek the Kingdom first at their university.