Tag: Fellowship

November 16, 2020 Kindred Adults Ministry

What a blessing to have friends in Christ to share our lives with. In the last few months, the Kindred Singles went biking on the Wildwood Trail, hosted a two-day retreat, held a Friday night fire, and witnessed some spectacular stargazing…

Hanging Out Together

Ok… so Cory’s telescope didn’t give us quite that clear of an image of Saturn and Jupiter (those came from the Hubble), but we really could see the rings of Saturn and four moons around Jupiter. It was quite spectacular!

We close each of our fellowship activities by praying for each other and reading a Psalm together (picking up where we left off last time). Just to show God’s perfect handiwork, He had us in Psalm 8 following our stargazing activity…

“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.”
Psalm 8:3-5 (ESV)

Simply Sharing Jesus

We also hosted a two-day retreat on Simply Sharing Jesus at the church campground. We got into some practical discussion on what sharing Jesus could look like personally in our day to day lives. We also had a little time to be silly…


Thank you to our Duluth brothers and sisters for joining us! Anytime we can get together with you, we are blessed…

Prayer Requests

  • That we might be able to continue to fellowship safely and creatively through the winter months…
  • That we can grow closer as brothers and sisters to the entire church, being an integral part of God’s great big family…
  • That we would not lose sight of our main mission, to simply share Jesus with the world around us… He certainly is worth sharing!

November 15, 2019 Kindred Adults Ministry


The Kindred Singles Fellowship has been enjoying some fall activities and hitting the streets as the weather quickly turns colder.

In October we took a road trip to Furgeson’s Orchard in Eau Claire. Nothing says welcome to fall in Wisconsin like a corn maze, adult pedal tractors, apple cinnamon donuts, and a giant spinning red apple…

Then to kick off November, we headed east of Eau Claire and to Big Falls County Park in Eau Claire. While there, we discovered two waterfalls, several trails, and some crazy cool rock formations.

Community Outreach

We also hit the area of Fall Creek with posters advertising our Sunday Services broadcasted on The CW at 10 AM weekly.

Fall Creek Poster Run
Fall Creek Poster Run

Upcoming Events

Toward the end of November, we plan to take a road trip to the cities where we will meet up with the Christian Singles Fellowship for some volleyball and hang out time. This will be our first attempt meeting up with another Christian Singles Fellowship, so we are excited and looking forward to it.

Then we will kick off December with a retreat at Camp Wapo near Amery, WI. This year we will be covering the small book “The Practice of the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence. In years past, going through a book together has been quite personal and highly impactful. We are praying for another great weekend together this year. Download the flyer below for more info…

As always, please keep the Kindred Singles Fellowship in prayer. Navigating Christianity as a single adult has its own unique challenges… just as every circumstance does. May we all look together to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…

Prayer Requests:

  • Meeting up with the Christian Singles Fellowship for volleyball and games on Friday night, November 22nd. We hope we would be a blessing to them, and that we would be strengthened as we get to know more people who are navigating Christianity as single adults.
  • The upcoming Kindred Retreat on “The Practice of the Presence of God”. We desire an impactful weekend getting to know our great God.

July 16, 2019 Kindred Adults Ministry

Our Mission

The main goal of the Kindred Fellowship is to provide a spiritual family of brothers and sisters for single adults within the church. We do this by regularly praying for each other, enjoying one another’s company, and getting to know our community in some really fun ways…

Enjoying Each Other

Kindred & Street Level @ Camp Damro
Kindred & Street Level @ Camp Damro

We recently had our annual campout at Camp Damro. We were so blessed to have the Street Level Campus Ministry join us this year. God gave us the perfect weather. We started Friday night with testimonies from members from both Street Level and Kindred. We then capped the night off with some fireworks (which turned into a competition with a neighbor’s explosions… but I’m pretty sure we won that war). It was a blast! The next morning started with devotions around the fire with pastor Tim’s recent newsletter article on Finishing Well. We then took a swift tube ride down the fast-moving Red Cedar River. A few adventurous folks went for a second bonus ride around Camp Damro and found an old rope swing. Heather from Street Level was a clear champ (she has a nack at mid-air acrobatics). We have an awesome church family…

What a Blast!
What a Blast!

Meeting Our Community

Kindred also took a road trip to local towns to let people know about our Sunday Morning Broadcast on The CW TV station. We hung some posters and stopped in Osseo for some fantastic traditional Norwegian cuisine at Norske Nook… Any road trip in the church van equals a good time!

Road Trip to Promote JF Believers on The CW
Promoting JF Believers Broadcast on The CW

We were also given a perfect day to give away ice cream floats at two local parks. We handed out 75 floats, mostly to people we were meeting for the first time. Several people asked who we were, why we were giving away floats, and about our church. We handed out a few flyers with more information to those who wanted them. It was a great way to get to know our neighbors in Menomonie and let them know who we are.

Root Beer Float Anyone?
Root Beer Float, Anyone?

Prayer Requests

We would appreciate your prayers for the Kindred Fellowship as we move into late summer.

  • That we would grow closer as brothers and sisters, sharing spiritual needs, praying for each other, and speaking into each other’s lives.
  • That those who joined our group over the last couple of months would quickly feel at home within our fellowship.
  • That we would continue to find ways to meet our local community, get to know them, and show them who we are in Christ.

July 16, 2018 Kindred Adults Ministry


For those who don’t know, the Kindred Fellowship at JFBelievers is a group of ~20 singles ranging from young professionals to retired nature enthusiasts.  We refer to ourselves as Kindred because, despite our diversity in age and background, we all find a common bond in our love for Christ and His church.  Each week we have a good number show up to our activities who are regulars, a few who come when they can, the occasional missionary home on furlough, and a visitor or two who is always welcome!

What we’re doing

As of late, we’ve been working through a “Promised Land” handout, which asks some tough questions about living a life of faith and obedience.  Some of the questions include “What would it look like to be obedient to God in the next year?  What would you do differently?  How would it affect your relationship with God?  How would it affect your relationships, vocation, calling, finances, etc.?  What would it look like to walk in faith with God for five years?  What would that look like in a practical sense?  How can you be prepared to respond?  What might your life look like in five years if you did?  At the end of your life looking back, what would a life of obedience and faith look like?  What fruit would remain?  What testimony would you leave for future generations?”  All of these questions are being looked at in the light of verses such as Joshua 24:14-15, Proverbs 3:5-6, Romans 12:1-2, Jeremiah 29:10-14, Psalm 39:4.  All of us have been challenged in these discussions and will continue to be as we work out God’s plan for our lives over the next year… 5 years… and lifetime together.

kindred camping

We were also blessed with gorgeous camping weather during our Kindred camp out on July 6th – 7th. In addition, we had dinner and group discussion around the fire Friday night (with Laura joining us on Whats App from the Philippines).  Then we shot off a massive amount of fireworks (thanks Chad and Tony) and stayed up way too late getting silly.  The next morning we had breakfast and group devotions, followed by a beautiful tube ride down the Red Cedar, chasing two balled eagles most of the way, until we reached Camp Damro…


For More Info…

God is indeed good and gracious.  If you are a single adult and looking to get more involved in our church family, check us out.  We generally meet on Sunday’s at 1:30pm.  You can always look on the church website for Kindred’s next event.  You can also call 715-235-4977 or email kindred@jfbelievers.com for any details.  Don’t be shy.  We’d love to get to know you…