Time for Some Reflection
Reflection this time of the year seems natural. Looking back over the last few months has brought about many memories, and reminders, but also the excitement of the things to come. It’s crazy that it’s already 2020 and stop and think that means Street Level is now 22 years old: 22 years of reaching out on UW-Stout’s campus and now, beyond this city and all the way across the world.
This past fall semester saw the graduation of three of our students. One is already off to the missions field and the others are starting life after college in here in Menomonie. Keep them in prayer! This is the time where important life decisions are made and where all the time spent in Street Level and church and the things God is teaching us is put into practice.
Winter Breaking
As we rolled into winter break, Street Level has been spending time resting and reflecting on the past semester. We have been spending time reading through blog articles as a large group and discussing topics such as if we are making actual progress or are just moving around in circles. We also spent time praying for the next semester and the students away on break, something that we are learning to do before we move forward headlong into things. To wrap up winter break we will be spending our last meeting this coming Monday to talk about our mission on campus and who we are as a group and what we seek to be as a ministry.
Another Semester Coming
Of course what would be a spring semester kick off be without a good old fashioned game of broomball? Street Level will be looking forward to spending time with Street Level Twin Ports and Street Level River Falls as they come down to crash in Menomonie on a Friday night the first week of school and then play a good clean game of broomball the next day out at the “lake house”. We have lots to look forward to with a sledding adventure planned with OneLife at the Badlands in Febuary and hopefully no broken bones. We are also hoping to have a few guest speakers come to campus over the next semester to speak to the various Street Level branches, but will be a good opportunity to bring people in from campus.
Pray as we head into the next semester- the ground we cover depends entirely on God but you can partner with us to lift up the plans we have and the unexpected twists that are yet to come to bring fruit and to help us bring Students into a closer, deeper relationship with God.