What is God Doing in the Philippines?

January 25, 2021 Shofar Missions Cebu

Read what is happening with our mission work in Cebu, Philippines. Get the latest news from the branches of Shofar Mission.

As of this writing, we are two months shy of March 28, which in 2020 signaled the start of quarantine. In-person church services started again the first week of October. Many pastors suggested God simply wanted everyone to STOP and challenged their people to stop, listen, and spend time with Him. On January 24, our barangay reinstated a mandatory Sunday lockdown. No one goes out of the house and businesses must close except pharmacies. We are cannot worship in person at this time. Though in-person fellowship is limited we have been able to fellowship digitally! Since Believers Church West Duluth was playing Bingo digitally we were able to join in for a game.

Street Level Ministries

Weekly Bible Discussions have resumed after the holidays. SLM is a smaller group than last year at this time, but God continues to grow each of the students involved – specifically three ladies that are participating in an additional weekly discipleship group. This has been a chance to read through some discipleship material and have an in-depth discussion as we read. Another issue of Word on the Street will be printed soon and we are looking forward to the first in-person gathering since last year. Writers plan to come to the office for a collaborative workshop with WOTS USA next month! We also got to catch up with a former WOTS writer at church recently. Students continue helping produce teaching and promotional clips for Street Level Radio. In February, we are also looking forward to catching up with our friends from Burning Dog Radio for a group video call.

Above – WOTS distribution throughout the province (L); Catching up with one SLM member at the office (R)
Below – Happy New Year from SLR DJ’s Ruby and Atheena!

Exploring Creation Science

Semester two started the first week of January for many schools. Exploring Creation Science classes continue online via Facebook Live and Zoom or Google Meet upon request. We also had the opportunity to do a seeds lesson with the Believers Church Homeschool group. As always this is a neat opportunity and a way to connect with the kids. Many of them are also part of the Believers Church Children’s Ministry. They made cards for some of the local churches and schools last month here. Explore Booklet #2 about Life on Earth was passed out to students that are unable to receive their coursework online. Explore Booklet #3 for students in grades 4-6 and grades 7-12 will be printed and passed out the second week of March. We cannot share a meal or snack after lessons with teachers, administrators/pastors but can fellowship with them when we are able to attend church again.


  1. Please pray for the churches in our barangay as they revert back to online-only Sunday Services.
  2. Pray for the Street Level members that have recently found work or are looking for full-time work. That they would put God and the ministries he has called them to be a part of first in their lives.
  3. For all the churches and schools we have relationships with especially as semester two continues online. We would like to see some of them in person.