Hey Guys
You are listening to Street Level Radio Cebu City. Jason, Faye, Jesse, & Chelsey came to install Street Level Radio at two locations in Cebu!
For those of you familiar you can walk down the street from Print Specifix to Elicon House listening to Street Level Radio on your phone! To end the semester, we streamed Street Level Radio and had a game night on our last Friday in Cebu.

God has and will continue to do great things here. As I sit and ponder the last few months they have been both exciting and challenging! Challenging because no one has done this before or is doing it. We are charting the waters and figuring out what works and doesn’t work at the same time. It is exciting because part of learning is always changing and improving things to make them better. Another challenging and sometimes exciting part is realizing there is no one to compare notes with. There’s no one to ask how to handle it or how it should work, etc.
Missions = People
We are back for a short visit and as I take time to reflect on all that God has done this past year. I think about His work with Street Level (Bible Study, WOTS, Radio), the Day Retreat, and Science/Creation Lessons. I am reminded (AGAIN) it is about the people and not the tasks at hand. At the Day Retreat in February we were asked what our five beans were. For example, what are five things has God gifted you with? As many of you know I like to bake, work with kids, write & draw, which God allows me to do here in Cebu.
Last Science Lesson at Southern Bethany The school year ended in March so I said “good bye” to one class while the team was in Cebu. As I ate dinner that night I couldn’t help but think about how very different my life could have been. None of this was my plan…. I graduated from Stout with an Early Childhood degree. The plan was to teach in the school I grew up in but God had other plans.
It has truly been amazing to see all that God has allowed us to be a part of this last year from teaching in schools to Word on the Street to continuing SLM Cebu Dinners & Bible Studies.
Brittany, Yvea, Dyreen, Orchids, & Laura Before we came back to the states for a short visit last April, Orchids came over and we baked. A month ago we sat at Jollibee and shared earbuds as we watched the Day Retreat videos. We got together one last time before I returned to America and had an opportunity to talk about ministry and life. We have continued to meet new people and get to know others more as the months have gone on and I am reminded that to have a good friend you have to be a good friend! Life here is a bit different…there are no random “Hi, want to grab dinner?” texts or “Who wants to get fish on Friday?” As we return to Cebu in April, we want to be intentional about asking people to have dinner or grab coffee! Britt and Yvea have been taking Saturday mornings to read through “They Were Single Too.” Orchids and I just started The “Lost Art of Disciple Making.” We look forward to continuing this!
Moving forward, it will be summer vacation when we return to Cebu BUT we are preparing to hit the ground running and continue ministering during that time!
As always, we appreciate your prayers, emails, and messages! 🙂