News Update from Shofar Mission Philippines

April 25, 2020 Shofar Missions Cebu

Read the latest news update from the Shofar Mission in Cebu, Philippines.

On March 28, Cebu City was placed under Enhanced Community Quarantine. This means we have been unable to leave our house except for essentials like grocery shopping. The entire city is under strict guidelines and citizens must present a government-issued pass to be out on the streets. It has been an interesting and challenging adjustment, but we have still found creative ways to minister.

Street Level Ministries

Classes in all universities have been suspended since March 16, which means all of the Street Level members have been at home with their families or in their boarding houses. Our last dinner and Bible study was on March 13, but we have still been keeping in touch with all the students digitally. We’ve video chatted with a few of them individually and plan to continue doing this throughout the rest of the quarantine. Members also receive discipleship curriculum on a weekly basis and are able to share what God is teaching them in a group chat.


Through Street Level Radio, students and community members are able to broadcast music, biblical teachings, and live radio shows on any device with an internet connection. We recently started a weekly radio show where we discuss the intersection of faith and science. A few of the topics covered were “How Did We Get Here?” “Is the Bible Reliable?” and “Age of Earth.” All of our antenna arrays in the city are still up and running, so people living in the vicinity are able to connect and listen for free. We’ve also been broadcasting Pastor Tim’s “Life and Times of Jesus Christ” teachings on Sunday nights and are planning for some exciting collaboration with Burning Dog Radio in the near future…

Word on the Street Magazine Issue 82 has undergone a major overhaul. This is thanks to fast turnaround from writers across all locations. The new issue was released as a digital-only version this past week. You can read the Philippines version, with contributions from three SLM Cebu members, here.

Exploring Creation Science

Primary and secondary schools have also been suspended for the indefinite future. This has caused parents and teachers to get creative with ways to teach their students. One of the ways we’ve been trying to help and keep ministering to students is through weekly “Explore” posts online. Every Thursday, students and teachers can look for an online “worksheet” where they can discuss various creation science-related topics. Some of the topics have been laminin, plants, the human body, and animals. Every other week, we share creation science videos with notes for students to watch and discuss. We are also discussing what the future school year will hold and exploring new avenues online to continue teaching students.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for:

  • Online distribution of Word on the Street Magazine and ideas for the next issue.
  • Listeners to connect to and engage with Street Level Radio, as well as for the equipment to continue running well.
  • Street Level members to use their time at home wisely – to grow in their relationship with God and each other.
  • The “Explore” posts to reach students, teachers, and parents and for wisdom in planning for the upcoming school year.