Read the latest update from Shofar Mission in Cebu City, Philippines.
“I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”
Psalm 121:1-2
One end of our road has been barricaded since quarantine started in March. Therefore, we are forced to go in and out of our community by turning left instead of right (which has always been our normal and most direct route out). The change isn’t so bad, though, since the other direction provides a stunning view of the mountains. No, we can’t climb them or cross them just yet, but every time I see them, I’m reminded of God’s presence and help in Psalm 121:1-2.
Over the past few weeks, God has allowed us to move about the city a little more freely than before. We’ve been able to work from the office most days, which has been a breath of fresh air. It’s nice to get out on our bikes, to see the city, and reunite with familiar faces of some people we haven’t seen in months!

Exploring Creation Science
Virtual lessons have ended for the summer, so Laura has been preparing to start virtual lessons for the school year. Some of the private schools have started to meet online already, while the opening of all public schools has been postponed until October. This school year, Laura’s planning to develop new curriculum (hint: it’s out of this world), reach out to new schools, build up a media library for teachers to have access to resources, and continue the Daily Bible Reading posts that started during the summer. Other “creative ideas” are in the works as things are continually changing!
University Outreach
None of the universities in the city are planning to meet in person this semester, so we’re seeking God’s guidance and open doors to minister in whatever ways we can. Currently, the newest issue of Word on the Street Magazine is being printed and should be ready this week. We are planning to distribute online and mail copies to the Street Level Ministries members to share where they live. We have also requested approval from the University of the Visayas to include a copy with each modular learning packet that will be mailed to students who are not taking online classes. At the beginning of September, we will kick off the semester by resuming our Friday night Bible discussions – albeit digitally for now. Our hope and prayer is to meet in person as the semester goes on (and if the government eases restrictions).
Prayer Requests
- God’s hand to be upon all the branches of Shofar Mission. For open doors to minister, and ultimately that our labor would build the kingdom in the Philippines.
- The expansion of Shofar Cable TV as we are actively seeking to broadcast in Cebu City. We have all the equipment we need, have met with the cable company and are waiting for their approval.
- Scheduling of virtual science lessons, new and continued relationships with schools, and the development of new curriculum.
- Passion and desire among the SLM members to keep following God and reaching out to other students this semester.