A World Without Snow Actually Exists?

February 25, 2019 Shofar Missions Cebu

Greetings from the Philippines! Read the latest update about what God is doing in Cebu. And if you need a break from all the snow, it’s just a short 24-36 hour trip to come and visit us…

Street Level Ministries

We continue to meet weekly on Friday nights for a free dinner and bible study with students from various universities throughout the city. We are currently working our way through Tim Keller’s Gospel in Life series, which has resulted in quite a few though-provoking discussions! Attendance at some meetings nearly fills our conference room, while other meetings are with only one or two students. Regardless of how many students attend, we continue to be faithful to what God has called us to, trusting that He knows what He’s doing and His plans are better than ours! Next month, we will take a break from our series on one Friday for a fellowship night – free pizza and an outdoor movie!

Word on the Street Magazine

In February, we released a new issue of WOTS and have been distributing at local churches, businesses, and schools. God has allowed us to put a magazine rack on campus in the library at the University of the Visayas, as well as at the Cebu City Public Library! As always, we are looking for new writers and Filipino content submissions. In fact, we recently had the opportunity to present WOTS at a local gathering of pastors and people who minister to young people throughout the city. We’re hoping new writers will come through this networking opportunity!

Street Level Radio

As the Philippines is becoming more and more digitally connected, our wi-fi radio station is turning out to be a great way to connect with students. We host live radio broadcasts on the streets about 2-3 times per month. To celebrate Valentine’s Day, we gave away free heart-shaped donuts to students who would answer trivia on the air. We had a few students take us up on the offer! We have also started a weekly radio show on Fridays for students who may be looking for something to listen to during their lunch break. We’re always seeking to expand and make the station better, so we are on the lookout and praying for a place to install a third antenna array.

Science Creation Curriculum

Local primary and secondary schools have been very receptive to Shofar’s Science Creation curriculum. This week, lessons will end at one school and begin at another! In fact, for the first time ever, Laura will start teaching a 3-week series using the NUA curriculum to seventh and eighth graders. Summer school curriculum is currently in the ideation phase, since quite a few schools will be holding classes during the summer.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray that God would work in the hearts and minds of the Street Level students to put Jesus first in everything they do
  • Pray for the development of new science curriculum and plans for summer school
  • Please pray for open doors to minister and direction in planning for the teams that will come this summer

— Britt