River Falls News / September 2019

September 20, 2019 River Falls Ministry

Find the latest news from JFBelievers church plant and Street Level college ministry in River Falls, WI.

Street Level Begins Again

Street Level has begun again in River Falls. This has meant for a busy few weeks of ministry, a steady diet of prayer, and the ability to see God do his work. We’ve had involvement fairs, various information tables, mobile coffee cart outreaches, bonfires on campus all in prayerful intent of meeting students that God may be bringing our way. We have been thankful to see some of these efforts being used to bring about conversations with students about school, life, and God. There has been a lot of interest in Street Level this year, not just from new freshman, but from people who have been around awhile and have heard about us.

Our weekly Bible study is back on track Tuesday nights, and for the first two meetings, we had a full house of interested people. We started this semester off with a video-driven discussion that asks questions about the nature of life then and seeks to answer those questions via scripture. There was a good discussion and seems to be several people who are “thinking things through” in relation to scripture. We will be flip-flopping these video discussions with a short study in the book of Joshua looking at what it means to step forward in obedience to God.

Coffeehouse Continued

The coffeehouse has been open for over a month now. We had “extended hours” for the first two weeks of school and had the opportunity to meet a lot of new people from the community and campus. Many are curious about who we are and we’ve had many discussion about our history and Menomonie origins. Some students have already become “regulars” who have their favorite drinks and use it as a study spot. We’re glad to see the place getting used so much these days, and look forward to what opportunities God may use it for.


Please pray for:

  • The connections and opportunities with new students.
  • The students who desire to step forward to be a member of Street Level.
  • The coffeehouse and our interactions with people who stop in.

October Schedule

  • Sundays: 5pm / JFBelievers Bible Study, 6pm / meal
  • Tuesdays: 6:30pm / Street Level Meal, 7:00pm / Study
  • October 11-12: Street Level Retreat

Blind Munchies Coffeehouse Hours

  • Sundays: 3pm – 5pm
  • Thursdays: 9am – 9pm
  • Saturdays: 9am – 1pm

River Falls Ministry Online
