River Falls News / October 2018

October 19, 2018 River Falls Ministry


We continue to meet on Tuesday evenings for Street Level for a meal and study. There have been a few students that are consistently coming around and becoming more involved. We pray that they will continue in their desire to follow God and find what he has for them. We also had the opportunity to participate in a few other events.


On a Tuesday evening Street Level did an outreach on the UWRF campus. They were giving away coffee and Dutch frites to students. We are thankful to the Street Level Menomonie and The Blind Munchies Coffeehouse volunteers that helped us. The University gave us a great spot in the middle of campus. It was right outside of the University Center to set up the coffeehouse trailer. There were some good conversations with students and people hung out for a while. We gave away over 120 frites and 100 cups of coffee.

Guest Speaker

Also, on a Monday evening, a group of us piled in a couple of cars and joined Street Level Menomonie to hear Jon Bloom speak on his book “Don’t Follow Your Heart.” It challenged us to think counter culture.  At the end of the month we are looking forward to the Street Level retreat with Menomonie and Duluth.


On Sunday evenings, we recently started the book of 1 Thessalonians for the community study. We have been reading about how these believers followed God with so much passion that all the other towns new about them and their conversion- even though they have been going through persecution. Lately, we have been also doing a discussion on how we can apply the verses to our lives. We still end with a meal and fellowship (We are hoping to keep using the grill as long as the weather permits).

Street Level

The Street Level space has been open on Thursday and Friday evenings for people to come have coffee and hang out. A few people have stopped in to see what we are doing, and students have been using the place often to study. Also, Word on the Street has joined us from Menomonie for a few Thursday evenings working on the next publication with us.

Thank you for your prayers for the River Falls outreach. Please pray for the group that we grow in discipleship, and that we would continue to meet and engage with the people in our community.

November Calendar

  • Sundays: 5pm / JFBelievers Bible Study,  6pm / meal
  • Tuesdays: 6:30pm / Street Level Meal, 7pm / Bible Study
