River Falls News / February 2019

February 19, 2019 River Falls Ministry

Street Level Happenings

Now that the students are back from break, we are meeting again on Tuesdays. This semester we plan on going through a few different series. The first one is “7 Big Questions”. In this series, we get a chance to discuss questions people have about Christianity and life for example “Why does God allow pain and suffering?” and “Is Christianity too narrow?”  We are also going through is the book of Ruth. As we go though this book, we are discussing and learning from how she modeled following God.

We also had the opportunity to do a table this month at the involvement fair. Usually, the spring involvement fair is a bit quieter than the fall one, but we did get a chance to talk to a few new people and interact somewith the other organizations on campus.

Word on the Street

Some Street Level members had the opportunity to meet up with Word on the Street writers from Menomonie and Duluth for a workshop.  We got together at Midtown Global Market, brainstormed ideas, fellowshipped, and discussed the next issue of Word on the Street. Thanks Menomonie writers for put this workshop together!

Sunday Evening Bible Study

We continue to meet Sunday evenings for a Bible study and dinner. This month we finished the book of James. Through James we discussed what genuine faith looks like. It challenged us to look at ourselves and see if we are actually living out what we say we believe. The next book of the Bible we look forward to going through is Ephesians.

Thank you for continuing to pray for us. As we said in January, we are looking into making a shift in our ministerial approach in River Falls. We have continued to move forward with that and ask that you would continue to pray for discernment, direction, and clarity on it. Please also pray that we would meet new people in the community and that people would be growing in their relationship with God.

March Calendar

  • Sundays: 5pm / JFBelievers Bible Study,  6pm / meal
  • Tuesdays: 6:30pm / Street Level Meal, 7pm / Bible Study
  • Thursdays: 5-9pm & Fridays 9am-3pm: Open Hours for Study

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