As you read this, the students at UWRF are finishing up fall finals, and we are finishing up our last few meetings before we welcome in 2023. Keep reading and find out what the River Falls ministry did over the month of December.
Believers Campus Church
Earlier in the month, we had the pleasure of having Pastor Tim come visit us and teach the book of 3 John. Last week we met for our last on-campus Believers Campus Church for 2022. We added a few holiday decorations to the room and went through the book of Jude together. This week we plan to join the Menomonie church for the children’s Christmas play. Over winter break we will change things up a bit and will meet at The Blind Munchies Coffeehouse at 6:30 pm to join in the weekly “Rewinds” of the Sunday messages from Menomonie.
Street Level Ministries
We also just finished up our last Street Level for the year. We spent the evening watching a movie, eating pizza, and enjoying snowmen in a hot tub (aka hot chocolate with ice cream). It is finals week, so it was fun to end the year with fellowship. We will be spending the break still meeting, but working on projects around the coffeehouse.

Prayer Requests for 2023
- For direction for direction from God for the ministry as a whole as we go into a new year
- Reaching out and connecting with college age individuals in the community
- For the students during break that they contiue forward in their walk with God