River Falls Ministry News / April 2020

April 19, 2020 River Falls Ministry

Find the latest news from Believers Church plant and Street Level college ministry in River Falls, WI.

Street Level Online

The UW-River Falls campus is completely shut down for the rest of the year. Thankfully, Street Level (our student org), was able to transition to meeting online a month ago. Instead of eating a weekly dinner together, we connect before the study to catch up on home-life and the ups-and-downs of online schooling. Our Bible studies have continued to focus on the topic of practical discipleship. The web chat format has worked surprisingly well for our discussions thus far. This fact has us thinking about continuing Street Level into the summer for the first time, using the online format.

Word on the Street Online

The latest WOTS (Word on the Street) magazine would typically already be distributed throughout River Falls right about now. However, due to current circumstances, the entire magazine has been rethought and retooled in order to reflect on our current social situation. Writers from all campus locations helped with a quick turnaround to produce what will be distributed in a digital-only format.

Blind Munchies River Falls

While following some strict guidelines, the coffeehouse has been able to remain open for the most part. The dining area is closed, and we are open for to-go orders only. This hasn’t stopped us from coming up with some new drinks for spring. We also recently purchased a mobile coffee kiosk for use in outdoor gigs – we’re looking forward to the day we can use it!

Please Pray For…

  1. Word on the Street digital promotion and distribution.
  2. Students who are home, that they will have a desire to stay connected and grow in God.
  3. Us, that we would learn and discern what God is seeking to teach us about ourselves and the ministry during this time.

For Further Information