What do church, gingerbread houses, and cookies have in common? This is how we ended out the semester in River Falls. Keep reading to find out more!
Church in the Heart of Campus
We recently had our final meeting of Believers Campus Church for the semester. We’re thankful to have the space on campus this semester and meet a lot of people looking for church. Many came and went, but some stuck around to hear God’s word taught each week. Complying with the university mask mandate is a relational barrier that we’ve needed to overcome, but people have really made the best of the now-familiar strangeness.

Christmas Party
This is where gingerbread houses and cookies come in. Street Level ended the final meeting for the semester with a Christmas Party. With the students help planning and executing, we baked (and ate) cookies, had a gingerbread house making contest, played trivia, ate pizza, and overall had a good time of fellowship. The party was during finals week, so was a good way to spend the last meeting together.
Looking into 2022
Overall, 2021 has been a challenging and blessed time. We’re thankful for work God has done in our lives and others, and now we have another year ahead of us. We will be using winter break to pray and prep for 2022. Before we know it, Campus Church will be back in our familiar room, Street Level will be fellowshipping, and we’ll no doubt have new stories to share about God’s work.
Please pray for….
- The Spirit to work in individuals lives, giving them a desire to fully serve God.
- Wisdom as to what and how to plan for the next semester.
- The effectiveness of coffeehouse ministry to both disciple and outreach.