Personal Renewal to Revival

October 4, 2019 Believers Church

Recommended Media | October 2019

Pastor Matt Chandler of the Village Church in Dallas, Texas has begun a series this fall on personal renewal. The series is in process currently and is a group of stand-alone messages that speak to the need in our day to draw near to God. In the series, Matt and other pastors speak wisdom to such elements at the power of God, prayer, fire for Christ, “with-ness”, life in the Spirit, silence, and solitude. In the sermons in the series so far, there has been information that parallels our Wednesday discussions on Simplicity of Life. There have been aspects that speak about spiritual disciplines as we have been discussing in the men’s prayer breakfasts. And this first sermon is to set the stage for those that follow. It speaks in the same direction at our recent October 3rd Place study concerning the act of humble brokenness, remembering, repenting, and committing.

Take some time to watch this sermon from back in late August to whet your appetite for more on this subject. The link below the video will take you to the sermon page where you can pick up the remaining studies in sequence. I hope you will be blessed.


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Click here to go to the series page.
The studies so far are titled:
1) A Foundation of Fire
2) A redemptive Lens
3) Entering God’s Rest
4) Practicing Prayer
5) A People for His Own Possession
6) Life with the Spirit
…more may be on the way.