Community Outreach
The Kindred Adult Singles at Believers City Church are activated for the summer. We kicked things off with community outreach, joining with the One Life couples and Duluth, to clean up the parks and trails around Menomonie…
This year we added Believers Church vests, the Blind Munchies Coffeehouse Kiosk giving away free cold press and coffee to weary travelers, and flyers with information about Believers Church, Burning Dog Radio, and the Blind Munchies Coffeehouse…
After several hours and 45 full 50-gallon garbage bags later… we called it a day… Thanks to Duluth and the One Life couples for joining us!
The Kindred Adult Singles also went camping with our Duluthian compadres at the Believers Church Campground… We started a book on the Misconceptions of Singleness (including misconceptions about marriage). The introduction and first chapter generated plenty of intimate and honest discussion (both in large-group and in men’s and women’s groups).
We capped the camping trip off with a 2+ hour river adventure in tubes in the wind and rain… It was unforgettable. Good thing we found Noah’s Ark! Wait… is that Nate and Seth at the helm? And is Claire steering? Uh oh…

Coming Up
This summer we are staying activated… We have another community cleanup scheduled for next Saturday. Then in August, we plan to hike on the Chippewa Morain Segment of the Ice Age Trail near the New Auburn, WI… Our Duluth friends are welcome as always.
This Fall we are hoping to go camping one more time and cover a few more chapters in our book. We’d also like to sneak in one more hike on the Hemlock River Segment of the Ice Age Trail near Bruce, WI…
For community outreach, as the weather gets colder, we are thinking of promoting Friday Night Binge TV nights with “The Chosen” in the Blind Munchies and all-you-can-eat pop-corn… Is anyone interested?
More on that next time!