Gnosko…What’s that about anyway?

February 16, 2019 Co/Mission Couples Ministry

Gnosko are a group of married couples that are dedicated to God. Living our lives through helping each other and those in our community and beyond.

Calling donations for Kentucky

At the end of December, several Gnosko members fueled up at a local Denny’s before heading to Red Wing. We met with Patti who gave us an opportunity to pick up some items to send to Kentucky.  

Patti with the Connecting Connection regularly donates to Honduras via a cargo plane.  Some sizes of clothing (large on up) are too big to send down there.   That’s why we where able to get some clothing from that ministry there to send to Kentucky.  

So we rolled out the barrels and filled up the trailer.  These barrels were really sturdy and great to move around. We are planning to work with Patti in Red Wing this spring. To help repair items before they ship out to Honduras.

Before our day trip ended we were able to stop at a local place you can’t leave town without stopping at…Hanisch bakery….not to be confused with Harnisch!  From there we delivered the items back to be stored away until Street Level is preparing to leave for KY in March.

Currently, we’re collecting men’s work clothes and boots, housewares, furniture and more.  The next time we will do so is Sunday, February 24, and possibly beyond till shortly before the team leaves. Please contact Bryan Harnisch to make the specific arrangements to drop those items off with Gnosko. Please be in prayer for the upcoming SL missions trip, which is just around the corner, to prepare the hearts of those going and for the opportunities there while in KY.

Mark Driscoll Video

The Gnosko members group got together after church a couple weeks ago to watch Mark Driscoll’s Spirit-Filled Jesus Conference: Live by His Power video.  To sum up this amazing conference Mark taught us that Jesus didn’t do it on his own, He relied on the Holy Spirit. We shouldn’t rely on ourselves and should rely on the Holy Spirit just as Jesus did. Growing through every experience we have whether it’s good or bad, and we need to forgive as Jesus forgives us. We can fight the demonic with these five God-given weapons The Holy Spirit, Your Identity, Godly Perspective, Scripture, Faith to Trust.

A Trip to IKEA

January although cold brought plenty of fun.  On January 19th, the Gnosko Members accepted an invitation from the OneLife Ministry on a City Road Trip.  The intent of the event was to create opportunities for cross-fellowship and unity among the members of the church and among the members of Gnosko and OneLife.  The event included teams comprised of members from each group who spent the day together in fellowship and included an IKEA scavenger hunt, a group meal, lots of fun and laugh, and lots more.

Healthier Living

Some of us in Gnosko saw the need to make some life changes. These changes would be beneficial not only to us and our health but especially for keeping kingdom work in our plan. Towards the end of January Gnosko began The Biggest Loser.  We are having monthly weigh-ins to help keep us on track. Checking in with each other and holding each other accountable in this journey together.   We need each others prayers and support in the hopes of  better health and kingdom work for our future.   So feel free, all of you, to join us in encouragement, accountability, and prayer!