Christ’s Etceteras

October 10, 2021 Pastor Jesse Moss

The term etcetera is commonly used at the end of a list indicating that farther similar things are included that are too tedious to list and unworthy of any kind of special attention or note. One man, C.T. Studd took hold of the term as a call to fulfill the commands of Christ to enlist in his mission with no promise of earthly reward, fame, or glory. C.T. Studd was an English missionary who had a rarely matched passion to see the evangelization of the world. He faithfully served the lord in China, India, and Africa, some of the hardest mission fields of his day. His life motto was, “If Jesus Christ is God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.” Around our church we know him for some of his well known quotes such as, “Some wish to live within the sound of church or chapel bell. I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell!”

This quote sounds good doesn’t it? Yet I wonder how many of us are willing to truly embrace the totality of this quote’s repercussions.  Explaining this directive, Studd wrote a short pamphlet entitled Christ’s Etceteras. In it he encouraged Christians to take the mission of Christ seriously and rebuked those who lived their Christianity with no sense of urgency. 

An Excerpt from Studd’s writing

“Believing that further delay would be sinful, some of God’s insignificants and nobodies, but trusting in our Omnipotent God, have decided to make a definite attempt to render the evangelization of the world an accomplished fact. For this purpose we have banded together under the name of “Christ’s Etceteras,” and invite others of God’s people to join us in this glorious enterprise. We are merely Christ’s nobodies, otherwise Christ’s Etceteras. We rejoice in and thank God for the good work being carried on in the already occupied lands by God’s Regular Forces. We seek to attack and win to Christ only those parts of the devil’s empire which are beyond the extremest outposts of the regular army of God. Our method is to search and find out what parts of the world at present remain unevangelized, and then by faith in Christ, by prayer to God, by obedience to the Holy Spirit, by courage, determination, and supreme sacrifice, to accomplish their evangelization with the utmost dispatch.”

What’s in it for us?

He needed no recognition, he was fully aware that he was insignificant, a nobody, Christ’s etcetera. He traded fame for anonymity and obscurity, ease for great pain and trials, wealth for extreme poverty. And in doing so he gained an extraordinary legacy that has changed entire countries for generations.

We are not to faithfully obey because we have some desire for fame and recognition. We faithfully obey to promote the cause of Christ and to bring glory to HIS name. For the Christian the legacy that we leave really is not for us, but for Jesus. Like John the baptist says in John 3:30 Jesus must increase, and we must decrease. 

We are to spend our life increasing Christ whatever the cost. In doing that we will live a life worth living. Whether we are remembered or not, one thing is certain, Jesus won’t forget. Spend your life for Him. You won’t be forgotten, at least not by the one person whose remembrance of us will count for anything in the end. In the end, who do you want to know your name, do you want the world to tout your name to the masses or do you want Jesus to look at you and say “well done.” What a privilege it is to be one of Christ’s insignificant nobodies. What a privilege it is to be counted as one of His “etceteras.”

CT Studd’s closing thoughts

Below is the conclusion of Studd’s pamphlet. (edited slightly for readability)

“Who will enlist for Jesus Christ today, to fight to a finish, to crown HIM Lord of all the world? I come to do Your will, O my God. I enlist in Your army for this definite purpose. My one ambition in life shall now be to seek by all the means and powers at my disposal to live, pray, work and die to bring about the evangelization of every unevangelized part of the world, and every creature therein, and so crown Christ Lord of all. I admit to being the biggest fool on earth. All the better, for no other can henceforth fear being too small, too weak, or too foolish for the job.

God loves to use such, that all the glory may be Christ’s. Consecrate yourself this day unto the Lord for this cause.

Dare you refuse? You must ere long meet your Lord and Saviour face to face! How will you do so if, when you had the chance, you refused to fight for His Coronation?”