This time of year, the days are short and the nights are long. The temptation to hibernate increases as the temperature decreases. However, this hasn’t deterred us from seeking the Lord and spending time with each other. We’re extremely fortunate to be a very active group of believers both physically and spiritually. In the last few months, God has taught us great things and has continued to grow our community. And, this isn’t just our story–it could be yours, too.

Who says ultimate frisbee is a summer sport? One snowy evening, our young adult group gathered together to play a game complete with a light up frisbee and glow sticks. After working up an appetite, we warmed up with a smorgasbord of soups and breads.

Once a winter, Wisconsin does not require a fishing license. Our young adult group took advantage of the opportunity and carpooled to a lake about an hour south of the Twin Ports. We hauled our gear onto the ice, drilled holes, and waited (and ate snacks while we waited). We came home with a good number of fish as well as stories of surviving the elements.

Some of us like football, and some of us don’t. But, we all like a good potluck. We had an all-church Superbowl party that included watching the game and playing board games. There were lots of hearty crock pot concoctions, and it felt as comfortable as your family’s living room. Don’t be fooled–the Bears were not playing this year.

Pastor Justin has been preaching through the book of Acts on Sunday mornings. The Apostle Paul has had an intense missionary journey thus far and is on the brink of imprisonment. Even though his earthly freedom is over, his ministry is not. Every other Wednesday evening, we get together in small groups to discuss the prior Sunday sermons. Like Paul’s ministerial transition, we’ve discussed how we’ve handled change in our own lives and what it means to look forward to next chapters.

When we’re not doing our rewind group discussions on Wednesdays, we alternate with men’s and women’s Bible studies as well as verse by verse teaching through the book of Daniel. Learning about Daniel’s life has been eye-opening as we navigate our own Babylon-like culture.
We took a break one Wednesday evening to watch a recent movie by Angel Studios depicting the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer was a pastor who died at the hands of the Nazis shortly before World War II ended. His fervency for Christ and the truth stands the test of time by way of his books that are still being read today.

While our knowledge of Scripture grows through traditional Bible preaching, we also learn by doing. This season we gathered on a Saturday to eat breakfast and complete projects around the church. We got our hands dirty and worked side-by-side, putting into practice what it means to be good stewards of the building God has entrusted us with.

Believers Church Duluth is not an island. We’re part of a greater group that includes Menomonie, WI; River Falls, WI; and Cebu, Philippines. In the last few months, we’ve been given quite a few opportunities to serve and fellowship with our extended family.
Four people from our church, along with several from Menomonie, caravanned many hours to Mississippi for a missions trip. They were able to complete much needed renovations as well as assist with teaching local youth.

The Kindred group from Menomonie, made up of single adults, invited us to join their winter retreat. We discussed in small groups what it means to be complete in Christ and were encouraged by the many examples of single people in Scripture. In the afternoon, we took a break to play board games, hike, and play broom ball.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, “In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.” Indeed, God has given us much to appreciate the last few months. Our lives are extremely rich, even in winter.