Duluth Update; May 2022

May 13, 2022 Believers Church Duluth

Up here in the northland, it’s that time of year again—a change in season. The hustle and bustle of the church have shifted gears as students have wrapped up their studies, and we begin to head into summer. 
So what have we been up to? Here are some of the highlights. 


Campus Church at UMD finished up for the semester with a couple more information tables and the continuation through Exodus. Street Level spent the last few studies in Elizabeth Elliot’s book “Discipline” and then wrapped up the semester with a hangout night at the garage. We played the game fishbowl, had pizza, and concluded the night by moving some stuff for the upcoming church garage sale into storage. 


Street Level Radio did a few live broadcasts at UWS before the semester concluded. Amongst those were the jazz lunches (UWS’ very own jazz bands playing music in the main hall, where students get food during lunchtime). 
The community group went to the Zoo! Complete with the coffee trailer and bunny ears, we engaged with the community at the local Zoo’s Easter event. We also got the opportunity to set up an information table for the church at a Mercyme concert held at the DECC. 


On Sundays, we continue to go through Matthew and have small group discussions of those sermons on Wednesdays. It’s been helpful to go deeper in those studies together on a personal level. Also, as a church, we took some time to have Easter dinner together. Complete with an Easter egg hunt. What was the prize for the most eggs? You didn’t have to do the Macarena. Yes, you read that right. 

Now, it’s a neat thing to step back and see how our building has changed as we grow. Recently our balcony got some new renovations. It has a brand new window out looking into the sanctuary. In addition, it has a whole new multi-purpose layout that can serve as a workspace and host families during the church service. 


As we move into summer, we look forward to Street Level joining the community group for some of their various activities. This includes a book discussion on “Evangelism as Exiles” by Elliot Clark and some of the other events (i.e., church rummage sale, park-point rummage sale, and Coffee-on-the-curb). 

One of the first things I notice about our church is an enthusiastic spunk for Jesus. We greatly want to be used by God. Please pray for us as we head into new adventures together this summer. Pray that we don’t lose our spunk and that we would be a compassionate people to those around us, passionately seeking to be where God would have us be.