Hey! We’re still grooving along up here in the Northland! As we wrapped up the school year and the cold months, we continue to move more of our focus into summer endeavors.
Street level Adventures
We continued our weekly bible discussions and our Friday night movies this past month. On occasion, we were also privileged to meet up with the other locations. We had some digital studies/discussions and we all got to caravanned down to river falls for a day retreat. It has been awesome that we were able to get to do all that! The discussions were great with a lot to think about long after it was done. It was just so nice to spend time with those from the other locations.
Wots released another issue that we got to fold and staple together at the garage. Do you know what’s cool?! UWS had just started allowing Student orgs to set up information tables again when we were finishing up this issue! Like WHAT?!! So we were able to give students magazines on campus again!
It’s been a fun last month of the semester for Street level. To finished the year, we had a night of playing a mash-up of some social distancing games (like Pictionary and Charades).
This summer we plan to go on some different adventures together. Next week we plan to walk to a park to play frisbee golf! After an afternoon of adventures, we’ll head on back for a fire and devotional to rap up the night. In addition to once a week meetings, were planning on having a workday once a month to prepare for the fall semester. Movie nights will still continue once a month as well.
Church Happenings
At church, we finished the Anatomy of a Christian Series and started to go through Romans on Sundays. Depending on the week you’ll find us continuing our rotation through Jeremiah, men’s/women’s studies, and Horizontal Jesus by Tony Evens. In addition to that, we also watched Free Burma Rangers. If you haven’t seen it, highly recommend it! And get this. WE GET TO SING TOGETHER AGAIN!! This month we were able to start to have that be a part of our corporate worship again. It has been such an awesome gift.
As many of you know we had our international bingo night. The night couldn’t have been complete without some talent acts and some costumes. And you guys joined in! It was fun to see all of your comments and photos! We also started having dinners together again on Wednesdays. I can’t say it enough how nice it has been to have more opportunity to spend time together again!
In terms of outreach, every week we’re going out into the community in hopes to meet people. We’ve been primarily going door to door with information about our church and putting up posters. This past Sunday, we got the opportunity to set up the coffee trailer at the zoo for a mother’s day event. It has been a great way to get out there!
Prayer requests
We’re gearing up quite a bit this summer. As we continue to head into our summer plans of fellowship, outreach, and serving opportunities please pray that we would continue to be what it talks about in John 13:35.