Duluth Update

April 13, 2018 Believers Church Duluth

Greetings from Duluth!

February came much sooner than expected. We started off the month with a prayer breakfast and workday, where we did some housekeeping, made some technology upgrades, and continued the remodel of the balcony into a work space (and it made quite the jump forward that day). The day after was our Super Bowl party, which was quite the event. Per our usual tradition it was a pot luck event, and the number of crock pots definitely shows we’re mid-westerners! The good fellowship we have helps make the Duluth winters more bearable.

March brings with it a longing for spring, and the excitement that comes with it. We started off the month with a men and women’s Bible study and prayer breakfast. As the month progressed things became more lively. A group from Duluth went down to the covenant retreat, and we also had a visit from Brittany and Laura. Slides announcing our annual rummage sale entered the rotation, a sure sign that spring (and warm weather) is on the way.

On Sundays we have continued through the book of James, digging deeply into what he has to say about genuine faith. We have been continuing on the theme of putting our faith on trial, and we’ve been looking specifically at what James has to say about works, fruit, wisdom, and faith. James is very convicting in these matters, and it has produced deep introspection here, which helps us to grow and mature. March brought a close James, and we started Jude at the beginning of April.

Exciting things are also happening at Street Level. We were having our pre-meeting meals in one of the dorms at UWS since last semester. In February we moved both our meal and our meeting off campus to Big Apple Bagels! Thus far the change has been nice; it’s a nicer atmosphere, and it gives us some additional opportunities to serve (and the food is also very good).  We had an open mic night at the beginning of April, and we had a very good turn out. We look forward to seeing how God will use this new location in the months ahead.

Until next time–

table time ladies with laddersafe exit