Taking a look back at Fall 2023 in Duluth, we’ve got a lot of reasons to be thankful. Our crew made a lot of memories together, from serving to just hanging out. We’ve welcomed lots of new faces and continue to grow. Here are the highlights!

Street Level and Young Adult Ministry
Street Level, our college-age ministry, has moved from campus to the first floor of the Street Level house. Here, every Monday night, we host a home cooked meal and Bible study. In September we organized a rummage sale at the Street Level house garage. Our new coffee trailer made an appearance and we gave away plants to students. We also threw a Halloween party and some of us enjoyed a Thanksgiving dinner together.

Our Young Adult Ministry embraced the fall season with activities like apple picking, pie baking and hiking. They’ve also been meeting at a local brewery occasionally for ‘beer and bible study’ to go deeper with some of the new people who have been coming.

Coffee and community outreach
We served coffee at Fall Festival and Boo at the Zoo, two annual events that are much-loved by locals. It was a great way to meet people, get the word out about our church, and raise money for missions. We also just really like serving together. We had an awesome time at both!

Every Thursday, RavenFed Underground Gathering hall (aka the lower level at our church) is now open, offering bakery and a full espresso bar. A few of us across different ministries gather there for service at that time. Our addiction recovery group Most Excellent Way meets there as well. It makes for a lively, coffeehouse atmosphere where anyone can join to study, play games or just hang out.

Learning and fellowship
Mid-October marked the commencement of a new Believers Class session, with about a half a dozen students. This group will be diving into a year-long journey through fundamental doctrines of Scripture. In November, we had a baby dedication for the Jersett kiddos. Additionally, in December our volunteers for the Douglas County Jail ministry got together for breakfast and a training session.

As the fall season drew to a close, we squeezed in one last game of kickball, enjoyed a game night, and decorated for Christmas. These moments of fellowship capped off a full and memorable season together.

Looking back on everything, it’s not hard to be thankful for the blessings and growth we’ve experienced. Thank you for your prayers and ongoing support. As we get ready for the winter months, we’d love for you to keep praying for us. Stay tuned for more updates to come!