At the end of the year, it is always interesting to look back and see just how far God has brought us in the past 12 months. It is good to pause and look at all that He has allowed us to be a part of. Following Christ is quite the journey. Knowing that we still have far to go and many trials to traverse is a daunting thing. It can seem overwhelming and you can lose sight of any progress if you don’t look back at where God has taken you.
The Bible compares the life of a Christian to a race. It is a race that is full of great feats of achievement and glorious moments of success for God’s kingdom, but also obstacles, unexpected curves, and crashes on the path. The 2019 leg of this race was no exception. It was full of activity. It was an exciting year of ministry. A quick look back at the calendar shows that JFB Duluth took part in four different mission trips. We had several outreaches in the twin ports community. We hosted two rummage sales, a concert, and had nearly a hundred church services. There were countless hours of service together. We have brought on more staff. We have begun to pursue new ministry opportunities on another college campus and also to home-school kids.
Ups and Downs
It has been busy and fast-paced. It isn’t hard to understand why God would compare this to a race. We have had great celebrations like when we joined JFB Menomonie in thanking God for allowing 30 years of ministry. We have laughed and had a lot of fun. It has been a great joy. We have worked hard. There really has been blood sweat and tears. The unfortunate truth is this race has had its fair share of injuries and setbacks. There have even been casualties along the way. It hasn’t been an easy race, but it has been a worthwhile one.
“Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps
moving but does not make any progress.”
― Alfred Montapert
One of the largest racing events in the US is the Daytona 500. Where fifty cars race around the track at speeds upwards of 200 mph. The top concern is speed, motion, and activity. They want to move. So much so that the average pit stop taken to replace four tires takes less than three seconds. Meaning in the time it took you to read that sentence a car would be jacked up, had all tires removed and the replaced.
Like these drivers, we want to make sure that we are always moving. We want to ensure that we are always growing. But there is one big difference. The drivers are concerned with speed. They race around the track, but in the end, they get nowhere. They end back where they started. There is great motion, great activity, insane speed, but there is no progress. For the Christian, we must never be satisfied with motion and activity that doesn’t lead anywhere. What happened in 2019 was not intended to keep us busy. It was intended to take us somewhere.
Where Does the Race Lead?
In short, we are headed closer and closer to God. We are headed for spiritual maturity and greater holiness. Take a look back at 2019. No doubt you were busy. I hope you joined us in this race, but be sure to ask yourself where did it take you. Did all the activity leave you running in circles around the same spot all year? Or has it led you to press on? I’m not asking if you have reached the finish line, I am asking if you can recognize progress. Don’t allow yourself to be swept up by constant activity, staying busy, always moving but never actually getting closer to God. Let’s do as Hebrews 12 tells us and run the race that God has before us with endurance.