It’s almost all gone…

August 16, 2019 Co/Mission Couples Ministry

Rewind OneLife

JUNE: Mid-June drew us away from life in Menomonie for a couple of days to Duluth. OneLife group members (kids and all) took to the highway to help JFBDuluth host a coffee and ice cream vending booth at the Park Point Rummage Sale event. They share our heart in connecting with the community. It was a very nice time shaking hands with people and working shoulder to shoulder with our northern family.

THE NO-CANOEING CANOE TRIP: We had the novel idea of canoeing the “Green” Cedar River. With all the best intentions we gathered enough canoes and planned the route. The moment the Sunday service ended, dark clouds moved in with an overwhelming amount of lightening. Lightning-strikes and metal boats on water do not make for safe events. So, at the last minute, the group decided to cruise to Bayport for ice cream and chill at a park when the storm passed.

Ice Cream Kiddies
They’s lovin’ them some ice cream

JULY: First of all, I have to expose a grave ignorance on my part. Back in July, when Duluth Community Group joined OneLife to host our 4th Annual Biking for Tacos event, it wasn’t until we were almost completely done with the entire event that I connected why Laura was wearing that huge colorful sombrero. See, the event was called Biking for “TACOS”! Really, I thought she was just overly concerned about sunburn or something… Sheesh! I am slow.

Biking for Tacos this year put us in conversations with people from the community again; even some long-ago acquaintances. It was a great way to share a little fun with Menomonie. Duluth crew, it was really nice to hang with you guys for a couple of days.

NEIGHBORHOODS: Over the summer, various OneLife members hosted gatherings in their neighborhoods to connect with neighbors and co-workers. These gatherings included various activities like homemade ice cream and hot dogs, evening breakfast, and a movie in the woods. This year these events seemed decently attended and connections were made, and at very little cost or work.

Fast Forward

As we head into the fall, we will be meeting twice a month to fellowship together. We have a few ideas in mind like our annual flag football and chili day, among other things. We are really looking forward to what’s in store.

let's play ball
…last year’s flag football game

Keep your eyes on the church calendar for more information about when we are meeting and what we are doing.