OneLife Couples Ministry Update

December 16, 2023 Co/Mission Couples Ministry

OneLife is a fellowship ministry geared towards married couples which exists to be a community that enjoys one another’s friendship, ministers to each other, and reaches out to the people around us. Our aim is to put into practice 1 Thessalonians 5:11, which says, “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up…”

We typically meet about once per month for a variety of activities. We also encourage couples to spend time with one another outside of the regularly scheduled events, enjoying the family God has called us into!

Over the past year, we’ve enjoyed fellowship activities ranging from bowling to potlucks to game nights. Additionally, we teamed up with our singles ministry over the summer and reached out to the region with coffee giveaways and trash pick up at our local community outreach sites. We also got the opportunity to enjoy a fall hike and decorate the church for the Christmas season. Coming up in January, we’ll be postering to further promote our local community outreaches. Stay tuned for more events in year ahead. Please pray for vision and that God would grow our group both in depth and numbers!