Living OneLife

December 16, 2019 Co/Mission Couples Ministry

What’s been going on?

You wouldn’t know it unless you took the time to think but the last time you read a report from us was back in August. We were reflecting on the Biking for Tacos ride and other events that put us outside and enjoying the warm air. Today we stand knee-deep in the snow with weather patterns that have followed the predictions of the likes of the Farmer’s Almanac. –How do they do that, by the way?

Since then, we have made a shift in our meeting schedule. What used to be a once-a-week regularity gave way to a twice a month format with the hopes of helping the overall schedule of the church and to help stem the busy schedules of some of our people. Our monthly gatherings now consist of one monthly member gathering (either a fellowship, a work project, or a trip to somewhere) and one full group fellowship time. This has created space for OneLife’rs to have more family time at home, more organic fellowship/discipleship time with each other and others outside of OneLife and even outside the church.

What did we do this last quarter?

September was flag football season at Samens Field. We stumbled our way through an impressive game and then robbed ourselves of any calorie burning by consuming the delights of a rather successful community chili.

October brought our retreat. A few friends from Duluth came down to join us. Friday night we divided the couples into groups of 3-4 couples and they were free to meet in homes or at restaurants with the goal of eating together and talking through the first session of the series (which we had to watch before coming together). Then Saturday got us up to drive to Bayport, MN for the remaining sessions at the Bayport Nature Center. Our event ended around 5pm where we took a group photo and sent everyone home. Some people even went to dinner afterward to continue the conversation.

November took us to the Pederstuen’s house for an evening of Win Lose or Draw and snacks. It was clear that we needed to unwind together. The night was full of conversation and laughter. We got to see just how fast people could draw things on the dry erase board, and how difficult it was too. The kids were there too and, I think… I think, they had a good time. November also brought a workday for the members. We all joined Gnosko at the campground to split wood, move leaves, and plant grass seed. It may have been only 40 degrees but working kept us warm.

December had our members decorating the sanctuary at church for Christmas. Multiple feet of pine garland and lots of red bows later, we were once again transformed for the holidays. Cookies and cocoa were had by most. The kids even had little projects to work on. It was crazy to watch the kid’s line up to vacuum the floor afterward. In the immortal words of my parents, “How come you don’t want to do that at home?” The night ended with Jason Haugley taking children on his lap to pull on his beard… an experience new to most of the kids.

Finally, December brings a Christmas potluck to our full group fellowship this coming Friday. Ideas stir as we contemplate our activities for the evening. I assure you it will be in the Spirit of Christmas one way or another.

In our near future

We’re looking ahead to the New Year with plans to host cross-fellowships again… some that include possibly sledding with fried chicken and pizza, a turkey-related ice event, and a city trip scavenger hunt of some sort. More details to surface.

Until then, Merry Christmas, y’all! We love you!