Children’s Ministry Wintery-Spring Update

March 22, 2025 The Children's Ministry

As the seasons outside change from winter to spring, changes are also taking place in the Children’s Ministry. Here’s what has been going on since our last update.

Foundations Update

The Foundations kids did a great job choosing gifts for the 9 year old girl that we sponsored through the Wisconsin Foster Closet’s Christmas for Kids program! Here is a look at what we were able to bless her with at Christmas.

Throughout the fall, the kids in Foundations had the opportunity to learn all about why we can trust God and His Word. Most recently, our lessons have taken us on journey studying each day of creation in-depth. But as the youth at church are aging out of our traditional Foundations class that meets during church, an exciting change is just around the corner!

Our traditional class during church will be meeting for the last time on Sunday, March 23.  A new Foundations class for kids ages 10-15 is being made available on Sunday mornings during the other disciple-centered classes before church, taught by School of Ministry students. Thank you to everyone who has so faithfully taught and assisted in the traditional Foundations class over these past years!

Beginnings Update

As the traditional Foundations class during church winds down, the Beginnings Room is ramping up with four regularly attending babies/toddlers, and a fifth soon to join! In Beginnings class, we teach simple lessons that highlight big truths about God such as “God Made Everything,” “God Keeps His Promises,” and “Jesus Came to Save Sinners!” And God is gracious enough to give us practical opportunities to learn these truths firsthand!

We also take time during each class to practice a memory verse together, sing Bible songs, and pray for each child individually. Even though many of the kids in Beginnings aren’t even talking yet, it is never too early to start teaching them about our Great God.

Please pray for the new Foundations class that will be starting soon, and for the spiritual health and growth of all of the children and families at church!