Current Happenings
It seems each year goes by faster and faster, it’s hard to believe that it’s almost December! In September we welcomed Seth and Eli in the Foundations Room family at just the right time as we started our Answers Bible Curriculum back at the beginning. It’s so neat to see how God’s timing works out so perfectly. We are learning about how we can trust the Bible completely. Even as young children we can study God’s Word by asking questions, interpreting, and applying what we learn to our life. Ask one of the Foundations Room kids to explain hermeneutics to you sometime!

The children in the Beginnings Room continue to have a memory verse each month along with their lessons. The verse for November is “The LORD always keeps his promises; he is gracious in all he does” from Psalm 145:13b. This is a great verse for us all to remember. If you ask them, I am sure that they would be happy to tell you the verse that they are currently memorizing.
Wednesday evenings continue to be “family night,” with children staying in the sanctuary with their parents for the church service. It is neat to see them singing during worship and being able to hear the teachings.
We are very excited to have an updated webpage that provides more complete information about the Children’s Ministry. We would like to say a big “thank you” to all those who have helped make this possible!
Our Philosophy
We believe it is of utmost importance that every parent is involved in their child’s education here, and we have been making some changes to help ensure this can happen. Ultimately as parents, it is our responsibility, not the church’s responsibility, to teach our children the Bible (Deuteronomy 6:5-7). Parental involvement is important so we know what our child is being taught. Additionally, parental involvement provides an opportunity for us to see how our child behaves and interacts in the classroom environment.
As parents, one of the ways we can teach our children to love God is through our traditions. Do you have family traditions that help you to treasure Christ during this holiday season while most of the world is in a flurry buying presents and hanging up Christmas lights? One of our traditions has been reading (and then re-reading!) the book Jesus is Most Special by Sally Michael. The book is the story of Christ’s birth, simply but beautifully told with alternating scripture references and portions of biblical Christmas songs. It begins with Old Testament prophecies of the promised Savior and ends with a call to go and tell others about Jesus, who is the most special of all. We like to read it while placing characters into a nativity scene as suggested in the book. If you have young children and are looking for ways to keep Jesus the focus during this holiday season, I would recommend this resource!

Prayer Requests
Please pray for us as we seek direction for this ministry for the coming year, and for all the children. Pray that they would grow and desire to have a relationship with Christ.