What do news broadcasters, camels, and the Christmas story have in common? They will all play a part in this year’s Christmas Program!
Christmas Program Progress
The Children’s Ministry and Homeschool Group are joining forces this year to present a Christmas Program called “The Nazareth Evening News.” Since the beginning of November, we have been using the Homeschool Group time on Thursday afternoons to practice the program. The kids have been diligently rehearsing their lines, practicing music, all while having fun with each other. Praise God that we are able to work in close proximity to each other again and present a Christmas Program this year! The kids are all excited to share the program with their church family and friends on Wednesday evening, December 22.

Foundations Update
In other news, when the Foundations Room meets every other Sunday, we are continuing our journey through the Old Testament. After teaching about Gideon recently, I was reflecting on what a privilege it is to get to share lessons from the Bible and truths about God with the children here. And I was also marveling at how God orchestrates life situations in the lives of these kids (just as he does in ours!) that help move this information from head to heart.
This quarter the memory verse we’ve been learning is Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” I have been amazed to watch God bring up opportunities in the everyday lives of these kids, challenging them to make this verse a reality in their own lives. God is so faithful! Whether getting a shot, jumping off a diving board, or spending some time apart from parents, God wants them to know that He is always with them and can help them be brave. Obeying God and trusting Him in these small things will help the kids trust God in bigger things to come. It is such an honor to help point them to Jesus!
Prayer Requests
- That all the pieces of the Christmas Program would come together, the kids would be brave in presenting it, and that the program would be a blessing to all those who attend.
- That God would bring some new families to church if it is in His time and His will.