Remote Broadcasting
We have been blessed to get out and do a remote broadcast at UW-Stout this semester. We were invited by Street Level, Blind Munchies Coffeehouse, and Word on the Street Magazine, as they were all there too. We are planning to do it one more time before the snow flies (hopefully!).
Please keep us in prayer as we would like to interact with actual people as much as possible.

Streaming Data
Here is a look at the data for both the US and the Philippines streams. Please keep our listeners in prayer as we gain more and more as time goes on. This quarter, our top countries for unique listeners were the US, Philippines, China, Russia, Germany, and Ireland. Oddly though, going by Total Duration (how much people listened or stayed connected to the stream) it would be the US, Philippines, Cabo Verde, Reunion, and Myanmar. So people are listening!
Update from Website
As Pastor Tim mentioned in his blog, we received a nice message via our website from a listener in Uganda:
Hi Street level Radio, Praise King Jesus and greetings to you all at Street level Radio. My name is Derrick Kiirya listening in live from Mayuge, Uganda . So blessed to be tuned in live . Just finished my church service at Bestheda Deliverance Church, Mayuge. I will be following you on Facebook and IG , so that I can keep in touch always. Thank you so much.
Blessings and love
It is really nice and rare to get feedback like this as a radio ministry – so thank God for that! Please pray that we get more feedback as to where our listeners are listening from!
Philippines Radio Location Addition
In the Philippines, we recently got a new location for our antenna array – at Carol’s Karenderia. As our “hubs” get added, that means we get more area coverage for our station. The listeners can lock onto our website and stream the station for free (not using data). Here is a screenshot here of the coverage this array gives us:

Please pray for this technology and our future endeavors with using the station in this way. We are always looking for creative ways to allow listeners in the Philippines to be able to stream our station for free.