Read the latest news update from Shofar Mission in Cebu, Philippines.
The new school year usually starts in June (although, over the past few years some schools have adjusted to an August start date). Classes won’t start in June and normal summer classes won’t happen. Graduation rites are canceled. One thing is for sure…summer is longer than expected. This isn’t the summer to get everyone on the same academic calendar. It is a summer of challenge, change, and unknown. Embrace the unknown and lean into God.
On March 28, Cebu City was placed under Enhanced Community Quarantine. As of this writing, the quarantine status of the city remains the same. Parts of the Philippines transitioned into Modified or General Quarantines. With each phase, more businesses are allowed to open. Church services remain online.
Due to COVID-19 the 2020-2021 school year will begin for students in all levels in August. No one knows for sure if students will return to the classroom, but we do know any classes held before August will be online. There is a 24-hour curfew for those under the age of 21 or over the age of 65, meaning they are unable to leave their homes.
Street Level Ministries
We had our last in-person meeting on March 13, 2020. Brittany has been able to continue meeting with students via audio calls. The plan for the summer is to meet virtually with students in small groups to go through discipleship material. Word on the Street’s Issue 82 was released digitally since our print shop is closed and we can’t go out to distribute. Five SLM members are volunteering and helping to write articles for Issue 83 (from two different islands!). We are continuing to broadcast Street Level Radio online and through all five of our antenna arrays in the city. At the beginning of May, Burning Dog Radio began taking over our airwaves for four hours each day, which adds a lot of variety to the station!

Exploring Creation Science
We have created an Exploring Creation Science Facebook page to continue posting weekly biblical creation science resources. Preparation for virtual classes to be taught in June continues. These classes are for students in grades 4-6 and 7-12. As the summer months continue and a clearer picture is known of what the start of the school year will bring this may very well be how Exploring Creation Science starts the 2020-2021 school year.

Prayer Requests:
- Pray for wisdom and discernment for all government officials as they decided what level of quarantine an area remains under.
- We will begin reaching out to pastors and leaders we have met letting them know we are digital. Pray they would know of and encourage students & schools to join our virtual meetings/classes.
- Pray for technology. Online platforms where live services, classes, and meetings can be streamed, internet connections, and phones. Many here use smartphones.