Read the latest news update from the mission field in the Philippines.
We continue to be thankful for the little things we used to take for granted. From March 2020 to April 2021, we have been able to attend in-person church services during 5 of those months. It is great to worship together with other believers after several months of hard lockdowns and barangay-enforced Sunday stay-at-home orders. Though one entrance to our road remains closed and checkpoints and curfews remain in place, we are thankful God has allowed us to have occasional visitors, minister in Toledo, and work from the office.
Street Level Ministries
By the time you are reading this, we will have held a coffee giveaway at Knockbucks Cafe in Toledo. The giveaway is one thing we are doing in an attempt to reach students on the west side of the island – especially UV students. Street Level may be small in number, but members have continued to volunteer for Word on the Street Magazine and Street Level Radio. We recently released issue 86 and are continually adding new content to Street Level Radio. Since students are still spread throughout the island, we are planning to continue our weekly SLM meetings online throughout the summer.
Exploring Creation Science
As classes end for many private schools Exploring Creation Science will start summer with a four-week series. “Examine the Evidence of Forensic Science” will explore various topics like fingerprints and DNA. These are also specially designed by God. Graduating students at Southern Bethany Christian School and Visayas Wesleyan Christian School will receive a special letter to grade 12 students. The letter is about Faith & Science. Students will also get a Word on the Street Magazine, and a bookmark with the verse Job 12:10. Since they have a copy of the magazine they also have information about SLM. This will also be shared with a short video on our Facebook page. This month also allowed for a lesson to be taught for the Believers Church Homeschool group.

Prayer Requests
- Continued vision and wisdom as a majority of our ministry remains online for the foreseeable future.
- True discipleship and a heart to reach other students among the SLM students.
- For churches throughout the island to be able to meet safely and be vigilant about safety protocols.
- Continued relationships and conversations with the people in our home and office communities that we see every day.