Hello from the Philippines
The 2018 Philippines Missions Team arrived April 30. While they were here we ministered in Manila, Cebu, and Toledo. Pastor Tim, Sharon, Ben, and Sasha also had the opportunity to travel to another island and minister at a Pastor’s Conference!

The trip started with a short trip to Manila where we hosted three Day Camps. The first event was a Kid’s Day Camp featuring the Jesus Story for Children and the other two were Youth Day Camps covering the curriculum Jesus Changes Everything. It was neat to be part of the Youth Day Camps this year; when the 2017 team was ministering in Luzon, I had the opportunity to work with the youth on the team and on the fly we switched to the Shofar Camp material in English at one of our events. The trip to Manila did not happen without challenges. We dealt with cancelled flights, delayed flights, and a long ride home from the airport due to traffic….BUT with all the ministry we did it is no wonder why we had trouble getting there and back!
Street Level
Back in Cebu we divided and conquered! The kids group joined forces with the Street Level group to invite people to a Summer Rooftop Party, hang posters and banners for weekly meetings, and host two live radio broadcasts. We also had our share of trips to the circle to pick up water and groceries as needed and we learned Jon’s backpack could fit 2 large water jugs in it.

Though school is out for the summer we have continued to hold the course as much as possible. Some team members were also able to attend Street Level while they were here and meet some of the students! Justin had an opportunity to guest teach as well. We are looking forward to classes starting in just a few weeks…the streets are quieter the university zone – much like Menomonie during spring break or summer vacation!

To close out our weekend of ministry in Cebu part of the team returned to the Church of the Nazarene Inayawan again this year. We had the opportunity to minister to about 50 children. The bus pulled up and each time about 20 kids would greet us or they would wander in the gate! It was great to connect with staff and youth from the last time I visited with the team and from the school year.
Shofar Youth Camp
Last but not least before the team said good bye and headed back to America we held the 2018 Shofar Mission CHRIST DISCIPLESHIP Youth Camp. Like so many things the team did this trip, it was awesome to see Shofar Camp come together! The first day of camp reminded me of the first day of school as a kid…but I guess that is true for any big event. You go to bed the night before excited to start the next day knowing the months of planning, documenting, advertising, and organizing brought us to this point. Though we organized, studied, planned, and prepared, we went into camp knowing that God also had lessons he wanted to teach….pouring rain during team games well, guess that means we play inside, tech difficulties…use the back up projector and roll with it.
In closing, please pray that we would take the lessons, advice, and conversations we learned and had this last month to be leaner and meaner as we continue the fight! Also, pray for all of the kids & youth we had an opportunity to meet. As Britt and I start the next chapter, pray we would never stop being a student but forever seeking to grow and learn.
“Some want to live within the sound of a church or chapel bell; but I want to run a rescue shop, within a yard of hell.” –C.T. Studd