As we are nearing the end of another three months here in Cebu, I am reminded of all that we have done and all we would like to do in the future.
Campus Outreach
Even though it was a semester break for some students at the beginning of November, we held the course and had a Street Level Radio Live Broadcast from Elicon House. We used the broadcast to promote the One-Day Conference along with SLM’s weekly dinner and bible study.

Thank you to those in Menomonie and Duluth that tuned in after church…we appreciate it. As you may have read in our recent blog post, we picked up the latest copy of Word On the Street Magazine and plan to start distributing them this week.
Street Level Ministries’ Conference
We are five days away from having our first SLM Cebu One-Day Conference! I think I speak for both of us when I say the last couple weeks have been a reminder that God will bring the students He wants to bring and most importantly, the conference is in His hands. We hung posters and several banners, sent emails and texts and posted on Facebook. Lists have been made and some tasks have been completed, BUT God continues to go before us and surprise us! The first person to register was an old Shofar student!
As I write this on the day of the registration deadline, I am reminded that I wasn’t much different. I would have signed up late. Maybe I would have turned the quarter sheet into an art project and ignored the Stout Student Event emails. With that said, I wonder what it would take for a student coming to SLM to come to the crossroads in life and realize their need for God? I wonder if students see how cool it would be to be to be a light in their university – a place that for some students can be very dark and scary? What if they didn’t do homework and projects just to beat deadlines, but allowed God to be part of the project?
Moving Forward
As we begin to prepare for January 2019, we plan to shake up the schedule. We’re adding a few additional items! We will hit the streets with posters and banners during our first week back in January to promote SLM’s Wednesday Lunch and Bible Class. We also hope to add a few more live radio broadcasts to the mix and monthly SLM events. As far as Science Creation Curriculum goes, the plan is to teach at three new schools next semester.

Other tentative plans include possibly returning to a previous school, working with a youth group for a three-session series, and a lesson in Toledo.
“Desire that your life count for something great! Long for your life to have eternal significance. Want this! Don’t coast through life without a passion.” -John Piper
Midweek Bible Study
We have also continued attending New Covenant Church’s (our “home” church) midweek study on Thursday evenings.

Though the studies have been small in numbers, it is great to join them and support the person stepping in to lead the study. We have been working our way through the book of Daniel. This has also allowed for conversations about what we do and why we are here. We have had the opportunity to explain that we were sent by our local church to plant a campus ministry here in Cebu.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for the One-Day Conference. For the hearts and minds of the students who will attend as well as the final preparation for the conference itself.
- For the plans we have made for next year. Specifically, that we would continue to remain flexible and adapt as needed.
- For a Street Level Cebu office space. Specifically, for wisdom and discernment as we continue seeking where God wants the office to be.
There is a lot to do here before we depart for a short break this Holiday Season but we are looking forward to seeing everyone again and enjoying our time back in the states…even if it is winter 😊