An Old-Fashioned House Hop

Gnosko has had a couple of group fellowship events recently. First up was a Progressive Dinner in Mid-December. It was an opportunity to host an old fashioned house hop. We even dressed up a bit to add an element of something unique. Each home had a small group responsible for setting up food and décor. We met prior to our first round to prepare together. The full group showed up at each location to partake in that particular course. We had three courses—appetizers, main dish, and dessert!
What a great time was had by all in interaction, preparation, and more. These events are fun to change things up. To mix and mingle with the rest of the group. Along with the ones we had pairings with for the food prep portion. The evening was capped off with a nice round of Baloney. We truly learn more about one another when we get a peek into gaming strategies. Who’s competitive and who’s not, and best of all who is not a good liar! Some do not have the fine art of a poker face. We had some great koinonia.
Beginning a New Year

At the end of January, we enjoyed another time of Gnosko games and goodies with game day and treats. There were endless options for games laid out on the tables. The same could be said for the food selections. We ended up with three good games groups. We are grateful to be able to come together and have this time in fellowship, food, and fun. As well as opportunities to pray for and encourage one another.
Small-Group Gatherings
We have had opportunities and time throughout the month to get together on our own. With a couple or two in our group and just have dinner together. Or getting together in town for an activity. This spurs a natural opportunity to include and encourage one another in our day to day dealings. As well as continue to reach out to the greater community. We also seek to remember to include our neighbors whether it’s in a bigger group event. Or just in a small setting on our own.
This brings to mind a great Bible verse: Philippians 2: 1-2 “So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.”
Please pray for us as we are seeking where God wants to lead our group this year.