Daylight Savings Time ends this Sunday. Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour!

Showing upcoming and past events at JFBelievers Church
Daylight Savings Time ends this Sunday. Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour!
Sunday May 5th the Covenant Community of JFB held a breakfast and quarterly meeting. Among the points of the
If you are interested in Covenant Membership, look for the brochure in the lobby of the church and speak with your fellowship ministry leader for more details.
The fellowship ministries (Gnosko, Kindred, and OneLife) got together Sunday for our annual spring cleanup to prepare the campground for the summer season. We moved and 4.6 billion leaves, put down 50 lbs of grass seed, and split a bunch of wood. The afternoon ended with a camp fire and fellowship. Thanks for all your hard work, everyone. Looking forward to many good times outside.
Our morning began on Sunday, April 28th with the typical Sunday service preparations. We held music practice and segued into our morning classes. The only difference was all of the members of the Duluth church had traveled down to join us. It wasn’t long before you could tell something bigger was happening that day…
The service opened up with a report about what has been going on with our Philippines missionaries. Brittany shared what God has been doing on the college front in Cebu and Laura told of the work happening in the local grade schools. Upon telling us all the great news and requesting prayer for their future needs, they exited the stage. Pastor Tim then began the day with a sermon entitled The Promised Land. With all encouragement from the lives of Moses and Joshua, we closed the service in worship and moved into the afternoon.
The coffeehouse served up a celebratory plate of pork sandwiches, coleslaw, beans, and fruit salad as even more guests came to join in on the commemoration of 30 years of ministry in Menomonie. We all had time to visit with each other and catch up on life. What a nice blessing that was!
Once everyone had eaten, we all made our way up to the sanctuary to watch Pastor Tim’s one-hour walk back through our church’s history. We got to see images from the early days when we were a small fellowship led by Pastor Dave Gonzales and Pastor Tim. We got to hear stories… memories of past adventures and experiences. It was clear the Lord had done and is still working some amazing things.
We closed the celebration out by enjoying some cake. Kayla created a delicious work of art commemorating the church’s history. “What a long strange trip it’s been.” Indeed.
To all who joined us in celebrating, thank you for being with us. We are blessed with so many friends and church family. Here’s to another 30 years!
Over the last weekend, members and guests of JFBelievers Menomonie and Duluth gathered for our annual church campout. The setting was Camp Croix just outside of Danbury, WI. The weekend was virtually sold out. It consisted of camping, over-the-fire cooking, conversation, games, swimming, volleyball, canoeing, devotions, and a Sunday morning worship service complete with baptism. On top of that, Street Level catered our Sunday afternoon lunch with pulled “pig” sandwiches, beans, co’slaw, and soda floats. There was a lot of laughter, reflection, and food.
Because of this, we believe aluminum foil stock skyrocketed as foil dinners were in abundance. The Blind Munchies mobile coffeehouse came in full swing keeping us all well caffeinated. It was a really wonderful opportunity to become more familiar with everybody within and between our churches.
Most importantly, God met us there this weekend and we are moved to see how he is changing lives, one by one. Please keep our newly baptized in prayer (Pete, Mike, and Arthur). If you have any of your own photos from camping with us over the weekend, please share them with pastor Tom (or copy them to the server). If you have questions, contact the office.
Last Sunday, the members of Gnosko, Kindred, and OneLife (the splitters) took on the job of replenishing the wood supply at the church campground. The project included falling a tree and chopping up several downed trees. With the help of a couple of Stihl saws, hardcore splitting machinery, and some sweat and muscle, we were able to make a good supply for the church camp out, future fall retreats and incidental fellowship days. In addition, a couple of the crew members brush-hogged and brush sawed the encroaching weed-ness back to a more acceptable line.
Thanks to all who participated. It was a perfect balmy 90 degree summer day to do this project. We all went home a little less fresh.
This weekend also included a get-a-way for the Ministry Community here at JFB. We cruised over by Gilman, WI for some fellowship and learning around a nice camp fire. Hard to believe the School of Ministry began 21 years ago.