Category: Duluth Ministry

Updates from our sister church in Duluth, MN

February 13, 2021 Believers Church Duluth

Bible Studies/Teaching/Preaching:

The core of our time together as a church is teaching and preaching and Bible studies. It’s a huge part of what makes us tick. And lately, there’s been a wide variety. While Pastor Justin was guest-teaching in Menomonie early in January, Pastor Jesse taught on a Wednesday and Sunday about worship and persuasion, asking us to consider: who or what do we worship and are we compelled to share the desperately-needed truth of the gospel with those around us? A few weeks later, Pastor Tim visited from Menomonie and toured through the challenges to Christians found in Colossians 3. Routinely on Sundays, after finishing the ever-intense yet hopeful book of Revelation, Pastor Justin is turning our attention to a series of lectures on the basics of Christianity in the format of “Anatomy of a Christian.” So far, we’ve covered the Head, Mind, Ears, and Eyes and learned of our need for transplants, proper alignment, and barriers to and results of bona fide spiritual seeing and hearing. On Wednesdays, we alternate between the book of Jeremiah, men’s and women’s studies, video discussions around the Horizontal Jesus series, and shorter teachings with small group discussions.


Bingo night.  After so much relative separation, we got pretty desperate and Bingo was the perfect solution!  The game itself is actually quite dry, but throw in a crowd full of twenty-to-forty-somethings dressed like elderly folk, add a nice meal of fish sticks, potato wedges and peas, and you’ve got yourself a party!  But the real party didn’t start until we decided to live stream the whole thing and invite friends.  Having people join from literally around the world was a special treat and it was a night to remember!

Sunday lunches started.  After a long break, we brought back Sunday lunches – meals that are fast to make and a snap to eat.  This allows us to linger long after the sermon, having communion, discuss with our neighbors what the sermon prompted in us, what’s going on in our lives and what God is doing through it all.

Super Bowl Party. A small group was able to gather the afternoon of the Super Bowl for a sweet time of enjoying one another’s company.  It was bring-your-own-snacks and overall a simple event, but it was a great opportunity to be together and catch up on the goings-on in each others lives.


Kitchen training.  After some at-home required reading, Matt led kitchen volunteers through the ins and outs of the “Church Lady Law” in a brief in-person meeting.  The training provided very practical help in keeping food and people safe – allowing us to serve one another and guests with the care required to make meals an enjoyable aspect of church life.

Community group and Media Ministry started.  Through posters, online presence, neighborhood events, and more, two new Duluth ministries seek to make sure the community knows we exist. Collectively, we’ve already had several meetings, including crossover between the two groups as these are intended to work hand-in-hand with each other, doing whatever we can to give the Twin Ports area the clear option to say “Yes, I’ll come to that church,” or, “No, I won’t,” rather than the recurring, “Never heard of it.”

Street Level.  A meeting with some SL Menomonie folks just before the start of the new semester rolled into in-person weekly dinners and Bible Studies at the Garage. The Garage, Street Level’s next-to-campus meeting space, was recently re-insulated. It is reportedly toasty warm now, making the space even more welcoming to guests and regulars alike. In a key aspect of both online and local ministry and advertising, the Word on the Street magazine crew has been continuing the development process and recently submitted ideas for the next issue.

Prayer Requests:

It’s exciting to move forward, but each step certainly comes with challenges. Pray for our spiritual integrity, that we wouldn’t be intimidated by what the world or the devil or our Lord sends our way.  That we’d be ready for what’s next, faithful in the not-in-public-sight elements of our lives, open to be helpful and helped by one another, and able to minister to the people around us.


January 13, 2021 Believers Church Duluth

The End of 2020

2020 is finally all wrapped up! The snow’s been blanketing us a decent amount and it’s cold and dark as ever up here in the north, but that’s okay as we are continuing to press on! We’ve continued to find new ways to stay in touch through video chat, fellowship together, and we’re looking forward to what God will allow us to do in the new year.

Thoughts of Heaven

December was a monumental month for Duluth as we finished up our study in Revelation. To date, Pastor Justin has taught all the way through the new testament. Finishing the last book of the bible coinciding with the end of a memorable year was a wonderful cap to our pandemic laden time in 2020.

In addition to our Sunday and Wednesday gatherings, we began meeting every Tuesday throughout December to let our ‘thoughts be filled with the things Heaven’. We had an informal dialogue and discussion, all were welcome to attend, where we would talk about, and perhaps speculate a bit, on what Heaven might look like. Meeting for an additional day of the week was a real blessing for this fellowship. It allowed us to connect with each other all while focusing on God’s glory and dreaming about what might be possible in the life to come.

The Old Fold & Staple… and Sticker?

Lastly, we came together to fold and staple Word on The Street Magazine to send out while the semester finished up. This is normally a large undertaking in itself and it helps to have all hands-on deck. This issue, while being one of the largest we’ve ever been a part of producing, had an extra step involved in that after printing, sorting, compiling, stapling, folding, we got to fold another time, and then sticker each copy of WOTS closed to be mailed out to students. The extra time involved was worth it as being mailed reaches a wide audience, as well as showing off the cool intricate design of the back cover, our new sermon series: The Anatomy of
A Christian.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for us to learn and continue to love each other as the body of Christ in the way He intends. Please also pray for God to lead and bless us in our efforts to ramp up service positions and community outreach kicking off real soon. Pastor Justin and Pastor Jesse have a big vision and big plans for Duluth in 2021. Please pray for God’s continued guidance and hand in our attempts to love Him and love our neighbors. Here’s to the new year!

-Seth Tolene

November 13, 2020 Believers Church Duluth

New Adventures

What have us north folk been up to? So we got to set up our stand at Boo at the Zoo! Every October our local zoo hosts trick or treating events with local businesses and organizations. For three Saturdays leading up to Halloween, we got to hand out candy to trick or treaters and church information to the parents. Then, all dressed up, on Halloween, we set up in four different neighborhoods to do the same thing. These ended up being a great way to meet our community. We look forward to hopefully doing it again next year.

While the teams were on the domestic trip, We took a brief pause on revelation and Jeremiah. During that time we were treated to a series on Kings and Kingdoms as well as a study in Joshua. The team came back to some really nice weather (like seriously it was warm), giving us the opportunity to catch up with them on some beautiful days. Now, winter has arrived,  but October was not our last hurrah before it got cold. We’ve got some ideas on how we want to spend it together.

Campus Ministry

Street Level has continued to meet once a week as we go through Galatians. The Garage, Street Level’s meeting place, has been such a nice space and just what we needed. In addition to our Monday study nights, we’ve plans some other fun events. We joined in on the Halloween fun by having a party; complete with costumes, pumpkin carving, and old Halloween movies. Man, there were some intricate pumpkin carvings…they had some crazy skills! Next, we look forward to a retro video game night!

After thanksgiving, many students will not be returning to campus as all classes will be online. But some students will be staying in the area. We will continue to meet after thanksgiving. Also, we hope to print and mail  WOTS to every UWS students very soon. Street Level has been quite blessed this year with not only a neat meeting space and opportunities, but an awesome core group. We are excited for the rest of the semester.

Prayer Requests

Please pray not only opportunity to continue to reach students and our community, but that real strong relationships would be a distinguishing part of who we are; for us to continue to grow in unity and love for one another. Also, please pray for our leaders as they continue to seek God’s direction.

October 13, 2020 Pastor Jesse Moss

Community Group

Through the summer and fall members of the community group have been setting up at different parks and intersections throughout the city handing out hot or iced drinks as well as church information to engage the community. We met a lot of people and were able to let a lot of people know who we are. As Summer fades to winter these outreaches will change, but we aren’t done yet. Every October the Duluth Zoo hosts an event “Boo at the Zoo” where local businesses can set up stations throughout the zoo to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters and promotional materials to their parents. This year we are setting up a station for three weekends in a row. This is a large event so please pray that God would help us to connect with the right people and work through us as we put ourselves out into the community. 

Street Level

Street Level has been continuing to reach out to both the UM-Duluth and UW-Superior campuses. A couple of weeks ago we drove down to Minneapolis to join Stout and River Falls at an all-day discussion of how to spread the truth of Jesus on college campuses in our current cultural climate. This semester remains one like no other with its own unique challenges and difficulties, but also unusual opportunities. Both campuses are emptier than ever, in fact, a walk through campus might leave you wondering if school is really in session after all. This might seem to be a problem at first but God has still placed us around people and we believe He intends to use us in their lives for His purposes. Please pray that we will make good on the opportunities that God puts in front of us each day. 


In the past couple of weeks, we have also had the opportunity to spend time together as a church enjoying each other’s company and the beauty of God’s creation. One Sunday after church we all piled onto our bikes and pedaled out of town along the shore of Lake Superior. We ended the evening around a fire in the Street level Garage’s yard with a bowl of hot chili. (Turns out one pot of chili can feed far more people than we realized.) On another Sunday we went for a hike taking in the change of seasons. 

Church Service

We are still in the midst of our series going through Revelation on Sunday morning. It has been a great series, one that has addressed things that many long time Bible readers simply breeze by. On Wednesday nights we are rotating through sermons through the book of Jeremiah and occasional videos and discussion.   

September 13, 2020 Pastor Jesse Moss

September always marks an exciting time for us. It is when long formed plans are enacted in an attempt to spread the truth of Jesus to college students who are desperately in need of it. It is a time where we try to meet believers at university and help them to fulfill the purposes of God in their lives. But things are a little different this year.

After chasing several different ideas for Street Level (our campus ministry) doors were being closed in all sorts of ways. Health concerns, government laws, university regulations, and practical decisions lead us to a point of doubts and questions to just what we would be able to do to minister to college students in a meaningful way come the start of the semester. It was clear God shut many doors.

God Knows Best

As always God knows what He is doing and guided us in His perfect timing. The church has rented out the “Street Level Garage” which is the closest non University building to the UW-Superior campus. Our intention is to host our meetings there, create a study space for students, and set up the mobile coffee trailer there regularly to give away coffee and espresso drinks to students.

The past few weeks have been filled with deep cleaning, painting, running electrical lines, hanging lights, installing speakers, hauling furniture and much more to get The Garage ready for ministry. This not only provides a great outreach tool to the campus, it also gives us a practical way for our members to serve God, be challenged and trained, and be used for God’s purposes.

The space has already been put to good use. We hosted a Street Level rummage sale where we met students and community members. We handed out free plants to bring some life to dorm rooms and raise money for future ministry endeavors. Street Level also took advantage of our yard and the last fleeting moments of warmth to have an outdoor movie. Turns out with enough screws, scrap lumber, chain saw, and string you can hang a projector screen just about anywhere.

Ministry Never Ends

There is a lot of work left to do to get this fully ready as well as promoted to students. Please pray that we would remember why we do all that it is that we do. That we would not get lost in the routine and rhythms that we have grown accustomed to. As time moves ahead I hope that we will remain on mission in all areas of our lives. I hope that we will engage or classmates, coworkers, friends and family for the cause of Christ. We seek to make a difference for God’s kingdom. Pray that we would stay away from distraction. We want to seek God and His will for our lives above all else.

August 13, 2020 Believers Church Duluth

The Great Outdoors 

For us living on an iceberg…I mean Duluth, the joy of summer is not only a sentiment greatly shared by many, but has been a great opportunity this year. Recently, we’ve had some gorgeous days to enjoy outside in fellowship and outreach. With magazines and flyers in hand, we’ve been at the beaches and parks giving away soda and water.

In terms of fellowship, there is something so simple, yet special, about standing outside the church after service just to spend time with one another. So you can imagine that it was quite the treat to hook up the coffee trailer and have dinner together at the park towards the end of July (hot dogs, chips, and soda anyone?). The parks have been a great place for us to meet. Currently, we have been eagerly moving forward to utilize the rest of our summer. 


Around mid-July, we resumed in-person gatherings and church activities. We’ve been continuing our study in Revelations on Sundays and just finished 2 kings. Next Wednesday we will be starting the book of Jeremiah. 

Gearing up

Street level has had the privilege of taking the time this summer to focus on building up its leaders in weekly studies and preparing for the year ahead. We’ve recently got to move from our virtual meeting to talking around a campfire weekly. Currently, we are still in the planning stages for this coming semester at UWS and UMD; as we are slowly gathering new information on new rules and guidelines set by each university. As for WOTs, it’s headed towards its final stages and will soon be ready for print. We look forward to distributing it to local businesses and campuses.


It goes without saying that we’re excited to get back out there. However, after time off at the beginning of July, our greatest concern was to be not just a church with a lot of zeal, but one of the right hearts. Please pray that we continue to steward the growth of a healthy church that is pleasing and useable to God. Also, please continue to pray for Street Level for direction and opportunity. 

Local outreach.
Local outreach.
Church fellowship.
Church fellowship.
Everything goes better with mayo…including staircases.