In Our Joy

May 8, 2019 JFB Books and Media

This pocket-sized discipleship book was designed to encourage and challenge professing Christians to truly and fully follow Christ.

by John Piper

“A good, short book by Piper about striving to ‘enter through the Narrow Door’ that Jesus calls His followers to go through.”

What would compel a man to sell everything he has in order to buy an open field? An overwhelming joy arising from his knowing that treasure is buried in it.

“But when God gives the radical change of new birth and repentance, Jesus himself becomes our supreme treasure.”

Jesus compared his kingdom to these circumstances. When we face the hard road of suffering and sacrifice to which Jesus beckons us, we act just like the man who found a treasure hidden in a field. In our joy we are able to sell all that we have and walk with Jesus along the Calvary road.

Join John Piper as he describes the cost of following Jesus, and the supreme joy which sustains believers every step of the way, that’s true discipleship.

The chapters

The chapters are six selections from “What Jesus Demands from the World” by John Piper:

(1) Coming to Jesus is Not Easy

(2) Following Jesus is a Hard Road

(3) The Road is Hard But it is Not Joyless

(4) Strive to Enter the Narrow Door

(5) Without Jesus Our Striving Would Be Losing

(6) Our Joy in Jesus Sustains Our Striving