Author: Street Level College Ministries

September 16, 2019 Street Level College Ministries

Street Level Weekly Meetings

Street Level Ministries at UW-Stout has resumed it’s campus activities with the return of students for the Fall, 2019 semester! This fall we continue to meet every Monday at 6pm for a free dinner followed by a Bible study at 7pm. This happens at the Street Level house, which is located behind Jarvis Hall. (1009 6th St E)

Getting The Ball Rolling…

In the month of September while the weather is still good and the college students aren’t overloaded with homework (yet), we have a handful of outreach events planned.  

A few outreach events are already in the books. We had our inaugural Labor Day thrift & plant sale a few weeks ago. Many UW Stout students are now the proud owners of a new responsibility: a dorm plant. The sale gave us a great chance to meet our neighbors and fund raise for a future Street Level mission trip.

This past weekend we survived tubing the frigid waters of the Red Cedar River. Most of the small band of Street Levelers entered the flood stage boat landing as naive young adults, and all exited an hour later with lower core body temperatures. But we still took time for a took a quick photo and then drove back to the Street Level House for some BBQ chicken.

What’s Coming Up Next?

The next few weeks we will host Friday night Garden Parties at the Street Level House. We hang out, eat, ping pong, and have something of a main event like a movie or some live music. Along the way we will also be on campus to give away free coffee from the Blind Munchie Coffeehouse as well as set up on campus with Burning Dog Radio and Word on the Street Magazine.

Plenty of Opportunities to Belong!

We have also begun signing up new members for the semester. This is open to any college student looking for opportunities to get involved in Street Level and serve God in one of the above mentioned outreach ministries. We ask each new member to commit themselves to being invested for one semester at a time in a weekly service position and all the regular happenings of Street Level.

Street Level mixes it up during the first dinner & bible study of the semester.

So far we’ve seen a really good mix of new and familiar faces. Please pray that God continues sending people to our meetings and events, and that he gives those people the desire to get involved in His kingdom work!  

You can find out more information about who we are and what we are up to on our website.

May 29, 2019 Street Level College Ministries

It is summer! We are excited to be outside and around town. Summers always seem to be a time of testing and to strengthen existing relationships. Last week for Street Level we broke out into small groups around town. Some went for ice cream, dinner, a walk, and a variety of other activities. We took some time to reflect on where we have come from in the last year and where we are going as a group and as individuals.

This weekend we had the first church fire at the campground paired with a Street Level-focused camping event. As the evening went on it seemed the tent village had taken over the back half of the campground. It was cool to see so many tents and hammocks around. It was great to be united with our church body and friends from Duluth and River falls!

Most of us stayed up late, sharing some good stories around the campfire. A few credible sources saw some UFO’s up in the late night sky. In the morning we mustered ourselves together again to enjoy breakfast and a short devotional.

While the parents are away, eat as much popcorn as possible.

We are truly blessed to have a church family to share and use this campground space with! Thank you to everyone who helps make it a great place to hang out and stay. We could use prayer for our summer endeavors out in the community, the new relationships God blesses us with and those of us who are in the Philippines.

May 16, 2019 Street Level College Ministries

Moving from Semester-to-Summer

Street Level finished up the UW-Stout spring semester a few weeks ago. As with every spring, the weather got warmer and the UW-Stout students all went home.

Even with the students gone for the summer we will still meet on Monday nights throughout the summer. But our focus will shift towards fellowship (backyard gatherings, some camping, and many 50-cent cones from Burger King…) and preparation for the 2019 fall semester.

This summer includes one noticeable change: we are moving the annual thrift sale from Memorial Day weekend to the month of September.  (stay tuned…)

What the Heck Happened

Here are a few highlights from the semester, including a few changes to our typical routine:

  1. We periodically switched locations and held our bible studies at the Blind Munchies Coffeehouse. The fresh scenery was refreshing, and it also gave us the opportunity to utilize the Coffeehouse even more!
  2. A large group of Street Level members took a road trip to Kentucky over the spring break holiday to serve at the St. Vincent Mission center. We lived and served together for a week – doing some home repair among other serving opportunities.
  3. We had a coffee giveaway and campus outreach in late April. There was coffee, kickball, and calf-injuries. It was fun.
  4. We hosted a study night at the Blind Munchies on the Sunday before finals week. Intense mental exertion was fueled by equal parts desperation and free coffee & popcorn.
  5. The final night of the semester was a worship night. We ate spaghetti and worshiped God together.

A Great, Big Thank You

Our continued goal as a campus ministry is to provide opportunities for college students and other young people to follow and serve the Lord.  

This is primarily done through committing members to a service position in Burning Dog Radio, Word on the Street Magazine, The Blind Munchies Coffeehouse, and the Creative Team.  

Within these groups the effect is twofold: (1) we can out reach outward to the UW-Stout campus through multiple avenues, and (2) we grow in our discipleship through serving alongside other Christians of varying ages and backgrounds.

This is where the “thank you” comes in: none of this would be possible without the commitment and support of the JFBelievers community members. You all are a MAJOR part of any success that Street Level has.

Thank you JFB for loving us, praying for us, and spending time with us.

November 21, 2018 Street Level College Ministries

Road Trip

Street Level switched things up on Monday night and took a road trip to Minneapolis to meet some new friends at Steiger Minneapolis instead of the normal dinner + bible study. We joined Steiger for a night of worship, prayer, and hearing from their leaders to learn more about their vision and goals for reaching the unchurched youth culture of the Twin Cities.

They announced upcoming events and encouraged people who came to support these efforts through prayer and involvement. We found that they had a heart similar to our ministry- to reach the people through concerts with people attending to reach out, they have a weekly bible study with a theological discussion at a local coffeehouse, as well as intentionally participating in local events to support the community and develop relationships with people.

It was exciting to see the way that is God is working with another group! This gave us time to reflect on what God is doing in our own community – with a discussion of what we saw and heard filling up most of the drive home. It was truly an inspiring night about what God is doing through His people in the mission fields both near and far.

Upcoming Events

We return to our normal scheduled programming next week to finish out the semester at UW-Stout. This includes a free dinner at 6 pm followed by a bible study at 7 pm.  


September 16, 2018 Street Level College Ministries


The Students are Back

Over the past month, college students completed their annual migration  back to Menomonie for the start of the UW-Stout fall semester.

Last week on Monday, Street Level met for our first Dinner+Bible Study! It was an exciting night – we met many new students for the first time, and reconnected with returning students from last year. The food was great; dinner is an amazing time of conversation and fellowship. The bible study afterwards started our fall series in which we will be looking at the lives of Jacob and Ruth…

Busy in the Backyard

Street Level had also spent parts of the summer gearing up for the UW-Stout fall semester by planning a series of EGP’s: Epic. Garden. Party.(s). The goal was to transform our Music on the Hill event from a 1-day blowout into multiple lower-key hang-outs throughout the months of September & October.

We’re two weeks into our schedule, and, as advertised, the first two EGP’s have been, well, epic! (and garden-y..) We decked out the circus tent in the backyard with lights, signs, plants, antiques, free food, ping pong, bean-bag toss, “Rock Band”, one dining room, two living rooms, etc…  Burning Dog Radio supplies the music, and the Blind Munchies goes mobile from the front driveway!

Word on the Street – 75 Issues

This past week’s time we celebrated the 75th issue (if you can believe that!) of Word on the Street (WOTS)  Magazine. There was poetry reading, nachos, and some live music by Ben Noble. The vibe was great: a group of friends hanging out together and celebrating God’s work – and inviting new people into the fun.

May 16, 2018 Street Level College Ministries

Street Level finished up the spring semester as the UW Stout school year came to a close. It was an exciting semester with new faces and people getting involved in the Blind Munchies Coffeehouse, Burning Dog Radio, Word on the Street Magazine, and the Creative Studio. We had some graduates – some of whom will stay in Menomonie and others who will move on to God’s next adventure in their lives.

At the end of April a large group of Street Levelers left for a shirt term trip to the Philippines. They did day camps for kids and older youth’s. They also joined forces with Street Level Cebu for some city outreach via: two radio broadcasts, a WOTS giveaway, a rooftop part at Teofel, and SLMC’s normal Friday night bible study.

Later this month Street Level will host it’s annual Thrift Sale at the SL House. (May 25-26) Proceeds from the sale will go towards an in-country trip to the Store Vincent Mission in David, Kentucky during Spring Break in 2019.

The remainder of the summer will involved hangouts and prep work for the upcoming fall semester.