(that means “Merry Christmas Everyone’ in Cebuano)
Did you know that Christmas is the Philippines’ favorite holiday? Celebrations begin in September and last until January! I always love to see how creative Filipinos get with their decorations. You can see a variety of Christmas trees made out of recycled bottles, fast food soda cups, cd’s, and whatever else one can get their hands on!
Since our last news update, we held our first-ever SLM Conference in the city. We gathered on the rooftop of Teofel Hostel for a day of video teachings, small group discussions, games, and of course, lots of snacks and coffee. We had one new student attend because of an ad he saw on the back of WOTS and five students who have come to SLM meetings in the past. Student feedback was encouraging; most of them had been pondering the topics we covered and were greatly challenged to consider why they believe what they believe. We covered the final session of the series at our last Friday night meeting and encouraged the students to keep discussing what they learned over Christmas break.
Home for the Holidays
Aside from getting our fill of ice cream and iced coffee when we come back to the USA, we truly enjoy spending time with the church in fellowship groups and various ministries. Laura was able to join the Kindred Ministry for their annual retreat. I heard she was still a bit jet lagged and spoke in foreign languages at times! I have enjoyed being a part of Street Level’s happenings, including fellowship with OneLife (Jenae’s team was the true Pictionary winner) and a Monday dinner and worship night. We also joined the WOTS writers from Menomonie, River Falls, and Duluth for pizza and peer revisions.
Over the next couple weeks, we plan to visit our families, take a trip to JFB Duluth, and celebrate the new year in true JFB fashion at the annual NYE bash (one of our favorite JFB events). Thanks to everyone for welcoming us back like no time has passed. We are always blessed to be a part of you guys in person!
The saying that “you can’t see the forest through the trees” is very true. It has been nice to step away to dream, plan, and pray about what God is leading us to do next year. We have been asking questions like, “What are the needs of the people we are serving? How can we meet those needs? What hole can only we fill? What is the best use of our time? How can we work with others to build the Kingdom?” We have lots of ideas and are excited to see what God will do next year. We can make our plans but ultimately it is Him who determines our steps.
Prayer Requests
As we head into another season in Cebu, would you please join us in praying for the following:
- That we would rest well and return to Cebu with renewed strength and energy.
- For God’s direction and vision as we plan for 2019.
- That the students we have been able to minister to would desire to know God more and put Him first in their lives… and that their families and pressures of the world would not hinder them from following God.