Author: Believers Church

April 4, 2018 Believers Church

Seeking the Spirit

In February, your pastors and ministry staff got together at the Bethlehem College and Seminary’s annual Pastor’s Conference. The title of the conference was Gospel Power: The Christ-Exalting Work of the Holy Spirit. Most of the sessions there were compelling and insightful. Pastor John spoke on the first evening of the conference giving this message called Seeking the Spirit. Have a listen…


March 22, 2018 Believers Church

Have you ever felt like you have lost touch with God? Distance. Like somewhere along the way, through sin or life distractions, you’ve felt distant from Him or even that He’s angry with you (or you with Him), when you used to be a pretty joyful and consistent Christian at one time? You are not alone.

DesiringGod received a letter from a woman who was feeling that disconnect from God and it concerned her deeply. In a recent episode of Ask Pastor John, John Piper seeks to help her see how God might actually be working to strengthen her in this season…

Click here to read or listen to his response.

Ask Pastor John distance

March 1, 2018 Believers Church

Hello Newsletter Subscribers

Today begins the first post of the JFBelievers Newsletter Blog. This will be a more frequent way to distribute informative updates from our community. So, we have done away with the magazine-style newsletter because, in this day and age, most people seek information electronically. Therefore, we felt that even the digital flip-book version of the newsletter tended to get mostly overlooked by the average reader since it dropped a large amount of information in front of your eyes at once. That’s just not how information distribution is preferred these days.

So, what you can expect is an article at a time over the days of the month. Doing this will give you the opportunity to ingest each report (with photos) as they come out day by day. It will save you time over all and we hope it will inspire more of your attention to all the writings from the various ministries of our community.

All articles will be view-able at: at any time. There you will notice that you can sort the article feed by date or category, and you can even search the entire catalog of articles by keyword.

We hope you enjoy this new feature and we thank you for your patience as we dial in the consistency and type of information you receive through this blog.

Pastor’s Recommended Media for March 2018:

For other Recommended Media, visit our sermon library for past months.

-=Pastor Tom