Author: Street Level Radio

September 22, 2019 Street Level Radio

The Radio – Out and About This Summer

This summer the Radio ministry was able to spend some time getting out into the community doing remote broadcasts – which has been both challenging – and very very fun. As we grow as servants in the church and ministry we are learning as a group how to serve in the radio better and stronger. It seems we are also growing in unity as God continues to change us as individuals. Please pray for us to be good servants – in order to serve both the church and Street Level.

Radio guys at Music over Menomin
Music over menomin - again!

Daily Devotions on the Radio

This summer (spring really) we started our Daily Devotions Project, with Pastor Tim. You can hear the devotions on our station Monday – Friday in the morning AND night. You can also subscribe to a podcast for these at this URL:

These are ALSO being played in the Philippines on Street Level Radio every weekday. Pray for these that they bring fruit to the listeners, and that we are able to see that fruit!

Daily Devos with Pastor Tim

Remote Radio Broadcasts with Street Level

Tomorrow night we are going to be doing our first remote broadcast at Stout with the Blind Munchies, WOTS, and Street Level as a way to reach out to the students. Our goal is to be a single front – representing Street Level. Pray for us that we have creative ideas as we start into this semester. As our campaign for the semester shows, we want to be able to communicate as a station that we are Christian, and that Jesus loves music. So as you pray for us, keep that in mind! We want to be able to display that God is creative and cares for excellence in art and music.

We will be doing outreaches like this through the year – so pray for us as we continue to grow in unity and reach out together to the students.

Read All About It

We have also kicked off a project that we are really excited about. Believers’ Community News. This is a Christian news broadcast that is in its beginning stages. Here’s the skinny:

We are using various sources to get a quick 3-4 article news segment – and currently Pastor Tom is compiling and recording the audio into weekly Christian news.

This is really exciting because ….as it turns out – nobody is really doing this well. So listen in daily for this news and if you have good articles, well just keep them to yourself because Tom’s pretty good at finding them! 🙂

But please PRAY for this so that we can keep doing this and do it better. It would be nice to make it into a podcast….someday! We will see!

What’s Playing Now

Just a note that if you are listening to the station and ever wonder….hey, what’s that song? You can visit our website ( and see what is playing under “Currently Playing”.

Our Website


May 28, 2019 Street Level Radio

On Campus:

Closing out the Stout semester we had a collective remote broadcast with WOTS and the coffeehouse. We were able to interview some students and have lots of interactions as well. It was a gorgeous night to be on campus and the whole street level group stopped in as well. 

New for us:

We have also kicked off the Devotional podcast which hopefully you know already. you can subscribe to the podcast from the JFB website or the radio website. We are excited to have this opportunity to share more of the gospel and the word of God twice a day during the week to our listeners. If you have not listened please tune in Monday – Friday 7 am or 9 pm. Tim is reading a daily devotional great for supplementing any morning or evening. 

You can stay updated on what we are doing through our Instagram.

Summer is here!

We are all excited its summer and summer for Burning Dog Radio means heading out in the community. We hope to continue outreach in the community for remote broadcasts. Possibly at community events and Music Over Menomin.

We are very thankful for all the work God is doing with the changes we have had and the opportunities in the community. If you would like to pray for us the continued opportunities we get in the community are always an appreciated one. For these to be fruitful and for people to be listening.

January 21, 2019 Street Level Radio

Year in Review

With the new year it has been a good time to review how far we have come as a station. There is a lot that God has done for Burning Dog Radio this last year. We are extremely thankful for all of the opportunities that we get / have gotten to serve God in this unique way. Thanks to everybody that engages with the radio ministry through service, prayer and support! It will be fun to see what the Lord has planned for us in 2019.

New Year – Same Vision

As we start the new year we are starting to see (or remember) that vision is important. We will be reviewing our mission as Burning Dog Radio and adjusting our compass as needed.
One thing we know and try to keep in mind is that we are a college radio station. We are the ONLY college station in Menomonie. With that being said, we as Burning Dog Radio exist to bring people to God by showing students that you can be a Christian AND like good music.

Please pray for us as we continue in our goal of reaching out to the students in Menomonie as well as the community.

New Year – New Ideas

Just because we have the same vision that does not mean we have to use the same methods year in and year out. Burning Dog Radio will be reviewing methods for getting out into the community and advertising this year. Along with that we will be joining forces with the Blind Munchies Coffeehouse and Word on the Street in order promote the heck out of Street Level. We are excited to be more unified with these ministries as the semester kicks off.

The sounds of the station are always in review as well – so keep us in prayer as we continue to monitor and tweak how we are programming the station. We are hoping to kick off some new segments this year, and more details on that will be coming soon!

September 28, 2018 Street Level Radio

What Was

A lot has happened this summer for BDR. We were able to do some pretty fun remote broadcasts and outreaches alongside the coffeehouse and WOTS.  One of the more notable was the Vintage Baseball game that is held at Phelan Park.  We have been able to develop a good relationship with the different teams and it has been cool to be a part of this event for the last two years.  The teams are all local (within a couple states) and they all come out to Menomonie to play this tournament.  We were able to get a ton of interviews and interaction with the players and attendees.  I think Ben Minder had the most fun!  We also attended a few of the Menomonie Library’s Music over Menomins and were able to experiment with different broadcasting styles as far as set up is concerned.  We learned a lot and were able to simplify the tech side of things quite a bit.

Vintage Baseball tournament


Music Over Menomin

This fall we’ve been involved with Street Level’s Epic Garden Parties which is a big shift from the last few years – just in the size and paradigm of the events.  The Street Level members have been taking on these parties – with the goal of getting to know and engage with students through each one.  Our role as a station varies week to week as far as participation and it has been fun to see the effects of a more simple set up all the way around.

Street Level’s Garden Party

What’s Coming

We will be doing a remote broadcast at Stout next week and our hopes are to be outside with the coffeehouse and WOTS to get student polls.  The best case scenario would be great weather and tons of traffic.  Your prayers and support for this are much appreciated.

Please pray for us as we continue to reach out to the students.  We want to do what is best for God’s kingdom and JFBelievers church!

May 22, 2018 Street Level Radio

BDR News

Here at Burning Dog Radio, we’ve been getting ready for Summer!  After a semester of great concerts with Street Level, remote broadcasts at Stout, and well, winter….we are ready to get out into the community!  The semester has been great, and we had the chance to welcome some new people to the station!  Alexis and Pete are our newest full time staff.  Alex, Ben, and Kristen from Street Level have also be very involved in the station.  It has been awesome to have them with the group and to see what God is doing as they learn about service and reaching out in this creative way.

Yam Haus

Our most recent concert broadcast was from Yam Haus, and you can see the Revival Travelling Show they did with us below.  If you want to subscribe to our YouTube channel – you will start getting notifications when we add new shows like these!

Please be in prayer for the station as God grows our staff (thank you God!) and as we reach out to the community with not only the station itself, but through advertising, and remote broadcasts!  We want to use our time wisely since Summer is already almost over! (just kidding)

Thanks for your support and prayers!


April 29, 2018 Street Level Radio

Just an update from BDR pertaining to our recent remote broadcast!  Last month we went down to Stout in collaboration with Mike and Nick from WOTS. Courtney womanned the the radio room while Rachel was remote to make sure everything sounded good. We got to talk to A LOT of people! The main purpose was to promote WOTS and the Yam Haus concert. We got to talk about all things WOTS, the possibilities of having a student radio show, working at Valley Fair, baseball, and more. remote broadcastmunchies concert fun at the booth word on the street is here

We are praying God does work in the people we talked to! Please do so as well. We believe at least 3 people came to the concert that we handed a flyer to, so that was really neat.

See above for some pictures of all of our broadcasts for the last month.  Stay tuned for more updates.