Author: OneLife Couples Ministry

April 16, 2024 OneLife Couples Ministry

Over the past few months, the OneLife Couples Ministry enjoyed the near absence of winter and we are now embracing the arrival of spring.

In January, we met in Menomonie, River Falls, and various small towns to eat together and hang up posters to promote the local community Bible discussions. We are very thankful to be able to say that we have had visitors come as a direct result of these posters.

To break the cabin fever, which wasn’t too much of a risk this winter, we enjoyed the sights, sounds, and smells of Como Zoo & Conservatory in February. We grabbed lunch/coffee at various places in the Twin Cities and everyone returned home with all of their fingers and toes intact.

In March, our members met together to enjoy pizza and a night of trivia. We were able to get to know some more things about one another through some of the questions. (Ask Connor and Maddy what they’d do if they won a million dollars.) Apparently, there are a lot of fans of the TV show Psych in our group!

Most recently, we got out hiking at Hoffman Hills followed by a picnic lunch. Quite a few of us climbed the observation tower and got to see an eagle soar overhead. We could not have asked for a more beautiful day for a hike in the woods. We are thankful for the friendships and marriages God has entrusted to all of us and look forward to growing together in the months and years ahead.

December 16, 2023 OneLife Couples Ministry

OneLife is a fellowship ministry geared towards married couples which exists to be a community that enjoys one another’s friendship, ministers to each other, and reaches out to the people around us. Our aim is to put into practice 1 Thessalonians 5:11, which says, “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up…”

We typically meet about once per month for a variety of activities. We also encourage couples to spend time with one another outside of the regularly scheduled events, enjoying the family God has called us into!

Over the past year, we’ve enjoyed fellowship activities ranging from bowling to potlucks to game nights. Additionally, we teamed up with our singles ministry over the summer and reached out to the region with coffee giveaways and trash pick up at our local community outreach sites. We also got the opportunity to enjoy a fall hike and decorate the church for the Christmas season. Coming up in January, we’ll be postering to further promote our local community outreaches. Stay tuned for more events in year ahead. Please pray for vision and that God would grow our group both in depth and numbers!

August 16, 2020 OneLife Couples Ministry

The Spring and Summer

Well, this has been an unusual year but with its own interesting twists. OneLife began the spring suspending any gatherings since, well… you know. It was tough to know what we could do and how we would do it, but like the other groups, we began to gather online. First, it was a simple conversation. “What’s happening?” “How’s everyone doing?” We found ourselves talking for a longer period than we anticipated. Life was not great and people were feeling the disconnect. Online meetings were helpful but they kept most of us on the surface.

Then the online meetings morphed. After a cordial conversation, we began to read through a simple devotional and talk about marriage. This added a positive dimension to our online meetings albeit still missing some depth.

So next we tried a game… and on a shared WebEx screen at that. Interestingly, there is a very workable and fun online version of Scattergories. It was amazing to see how fast nobody could come up with obvious answers in 120 seconds. Man, did we laugh! It was people talking over people. It was ultra-chaotic at times for 12+ screens to play a game like this over the inter-webs. While fun, we vowed not to conduct such a competition like this again with so many screens at once.


Since the death of the age of WebEx, we have begun to find ways to get together in person. Our first trek was out to Wakanda Park for a casual 8-mile morning bike ride around the lake loop followed by a picnic under the shaded canopy of hardwoods. The weather was wonderful. This day also marked our first full gathering with those who remain from our previously named older families group, Gnosko. That day was the birth of a new version of couples ministry. Welcome to the crew, guys!

Finally, in an effort to learn more about each other, our last fellowship took us out to the shoreline in Hudson, WI where we each brought curbside dinner and tidbits about ourselves. We went around the group and each couple answered these three questions:

  • How did you and your spouse meet?
  • What was something you remember vividly about your wedding?
  • What is one thing you have learned together from being married?

It was really nice to learn new things about our church family and to reminisce.

What Shall Be

Looking to the future, we have some exciting ideas to round out the warm weather months. Sadly, we will not be playing our annual flag-football game this fall but, never fear, we’re considering Drive-In movies, scavenger hunts, hikes, fires, etc. We also are working on hosting a retreat this fall. Pray for wisdom and clarity.

Meme of the day:

Seriously… me at EVERY store!
April 16, 2020 OneLife Couples Ministry

It sure looks empty and dismal out there, doesn’t it? No people… no cars… in fact, it looks like 1920 out there even though I just took this photo today. Glad to say, there are some bright sunny memories to look at from the OneLife recent past. Scroll on to see!

February Stuff

Back in February, OneLife took a Saturday to hit the hills with Street Level. Skidding down the hill with 17 tubes tied together was quite the picture. We really enjoyed our time on the hill with those guys! Thanks for making winter bearable.

March Stuff

Then in March, we gathered on the ice of Lake Menomin for a challenging competition of Frozen Chicken Curling. It was actually really nice out that day. There was a large table of snacks and hot cocoa. Passers-by didn’t know what to make of it. I am sure we looked crazy but we had a lot of fun.

The winning team took home all 12 frozen chickens as their prize. That’s 2 per team member. Nice!

Pizza and Talk

Our last official gathering was in mid-March. We all drove to Hudson and gathered in Green Mill’s back meeting space to talk through one of the last sessions from our fall retreat. By the way, Green Mill pizza is beyond delicious. But we had a great time of fellowship and discussion. Making Space (by Jeff Vanderstelt) has been a challenging series to travel through.

What’s ahead?

Thanks to a global pandemic, meeting together has been suspended. There may be a possible online opportunity to meet together. We are discussing ins and outs of that. Beyond that, we continue to pray for each other and connect over the phone or by email now and again.

We’re all fantasizing about that day when we can all come back together… bonfire… hog roast… singing… dancing… but whether here or there or in the air, we will see you again sometime.

Peace… Out!
February 16, 2020 OneLife Couples Ministry

An Old-Fashioned House Hop

Gnosko has had a couple of group fellowship events recently.  First up was a Progressive Dinner in Mid-December.   It was an opportunity to host an old fashioned house hop.  We even dressed up a bit to add an element of something unique.   Each home had a small group responsible for setting up food and décor. We met prior to our first round to prepare together.   The full group showed up at each location to partake in that particular course.  We had three courses—appetizers, main dish, and dessert!  

What a great time was had by all in interaction, preparation, and more. These events are fun to change things up. To mix and mingle with the rest of the group. Along with the ones we had pairings with for the food prep portion.  The evening was capped off with a nice round of Baloney.   We truly learn more about one another when we get a peek into gaming strategies. Who’s competitive and who’s not, and best of all who is not a good liar!  Some do not have the fine art of a poker face. We had some great koinonia. 

Beginning a New Year

At the end of January, we enjoyed another time of Gnosko games and goodies with game day and treats.  There were endless options for games laid out on the tables. The same could be said for the food selections.   We ended up with three good games groups.   We are grateful to be able to come together and have this time in fellowship, food, and fun. As well as opportunities to pray for and encourage one another.  

Small-Group Gatherings

We have had opportunities and time throughout the month to get together on our own. With a couple or two in our group and just have dinner together. Or getting together in town for an activity.  This spurs a natural opportunity to include and encourage one another in our day to day dealings. As well as continue to reach out to the greater community.  We also seek to remember to include our neighbors whether it’s in a bigger group event. Or just in a small setting on our own.

This brings to mind a great Bible verse: Philippians 2: 1-2 “So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.”

Please pray for us as we are seeking where God wants to lead our group this year.

December 16, 2019 OneLife Couples Ministry

What’s been going on?

You wouldn’t know it unless you took the time to think but the last time you read a report from us was back in August. We were reflecting on the Biking for Tacos ride and other events that put us outside and enjoying the warm air. Today we stand knee-deep in the snow with weather patterns that have followed the predictions of the likes of the Farmer’s Almanac. –How do they do that, by the way?

Since then, we have made a shift in our meeting schedule. What used to be a once-a-week regularity gave way to a twice a month format with the hopes of helping the overall schedule of the church and to help stem the busy schedules of some of our people. Our monthly gatherings now consist of one monthly member gathering (either a fellowship, a work project, or a trip to somewhere) and one full group fellowship time. This has created space for OneLife’rs to have more family time at home, more organic fellowship/discipleship time with each other and others outside of OneLife and even outside the church.

What did we do this last quarter?

September was flag football season at Samens Field. We stumbled our way through an impressive game and then robbed ourselves of any calorie burning by consuming the delights of a rather successful community chili.

October brought our retreat. A few friends from Duluth came down to join us. Friday night we divided the couples into groups of 3-4 couples and they were free to meet in homes or at restaurants with the goal of eating together and talking through the first session of the series (which we had to watch before coming together). Then Saturday got us up to drive to Bayport, MN for the remaining sessions at the Bayport Nature Center. Our event ended around 5pm where we took a group photo and sent everyone home. Some people even went to dinner afterward to continue the conversation.

November took us to the Pederstuen’s house for an evening of Win Lose or Draw and snacks. It was clear that we needed to unwind together. The night was full of conversation and laughter. We got to see just how fast people could draw things on the dry erase board, and how difficult it was too. The kids were there too and, I think… I think, they had a good time. November also brought a workday for the members. We all joined Gnosko at the campground to split wood, move leaves, and plant grass seed. It may have been only 40 degrees but working kept us warm.

December had our members decorating the sanctuary at church for Christmas. Multiple feet of pine garland and lots of red bows later, we were once again transformed for the holidays. Cookies and cocoa were had by most. The kids even had little projects to work on. It was crazy to watch the kid’s line up to vacuum the floor afterward. In the immortal words of my parents, “How come you don’t want to do that at home?” The night ended with Jason Haugley taking children on his lap to pull on his beard… an experience new to most of the kids.

Finally, December brings a Christmas potluck to our full group fellowship this coming Friday. Ideas stir as we contemplate our activities for the evening. I assure you it will be in the Spirit of Christmas one way or another.

In our near future

We’re looking ahead to the New Year with plans to host cross-fellowships again… some that include possibly sledding with fried chicken and pizza, a turkey-related ice event, and a city trip scavenger hunt of some sort. More details to surface.

Until then, Merry Christmas, y’all! We love you!