Author: The Children's Ministry

March 22, 2025 The Children's Ministry

As the seasons outside change from winter to spring, changes are also taking place in the Children’s Ministry. Here’s what has been going on since our last update.

Foundations Update

The Foundations kids did a great job choosing gifts for the 9 year old girl that we sponsored through the Wisconsin Foster Closet’s Christmas for Kids program! Here is a look at what we were able to bless her with at Christmas.

Throughout the fall, the kids in Foundations had the opportunity to learn all about why we can trust God and His Word. Most recently, our lessons have taken us on journey studying each day of creation in-depth. But as the youth at church are aging out of our traditional Foundations class that meets during church, an exciting change is just around the corner!

Our traditional class during church will be meeting for the last time on Sunday, March 23.  A new Foundations class for kids ages 10-15 is being made available on Sunday mornings during the other disciple-centered classes before church, taught by School of Ministry students. Thank you to everyone who has so faithfully taught and assisted in the traditional Foundations class over these past years!

Beginnings Update

As the traditional Foundations class during church winds down, the Beginnings Room is ramping up with four regularly attending babies/toddlers, and a fifth soon to join! In Beginnings class, we teach simple lessons that highlight big truths about God such as “God Made Everything,” “God Keeps His Promises,” and “Jesus Came to Save Sinners!” And God is gracious enough to give us practical opportunities to learn these truths firsthand!

We also take time during each class to practice a memory verse together, sing Bible songs, and pray for each child individually. Even though many of the kids in Beginnings aren’t even talking yet, it is never too early to start teaching them about our Great God.

Please pray for the new Foundations class that will be starting soon, and for the spiritual health and growth of all of the children and families at church!

November 22, 2024 The Children's Ministry

Beginnings Room

As of September, the Beginnings Room is now open on a weekly basis during the Sunday morning church service! We have 3 regularly attending toddlers, and therefore are able to schedule Beginnings class every week rather than operating it on an “on call” basis.

You may also have noticed that the Beginnings Room has receiving a bit of a makeover recently, with a beautiful new wall, complete with wood trim and a fresh coat of paint. Poke your head in sometime on your way upstairs to see the changes!

The Beginnings Room is for children ages 6 months to 4 years old. It is a place where the church comes alongside parents to teach the Bible to babies and toddlers in an age-appropriate way, to help them learn memory verses, and to begin building in them a biblical vocabulary.

Foundations Room

In September we started using a new curriculum in Foundations that has been well-received by the kids as well as the teachers. The new curriculum (ABC Digital from Answers in Genesis) includes short video clips and PowerPoint presentations to accompany the lessons, which have been helpful supplements as we study God’s Word together every other week.

Along with the curriculum change in September, we implemented a small but important change to our Foundations Room schedule. The Foundations kids are now staying upstairs with their families at the beginning of church so they can participate in worship before heading downstairs together for class.

One other exciting note is that the Foundations class is sponsoring a child this year through the Wisconsin Foster Closet’s Christmas for Kids program. We get to pick out Christmas gifts from our sponsored child’s “wish list” to help brighten her Christmas, and we will also be giving her a Jesus Storybook Bible. God blesses us so we can bless others!

July 22, 2024 The Children's Ministry

Looking Back

Over the past few months in Foundations, we have been learning about the early church in the book of Acts. We have had visitors for a few of the classes, which is refreshing for the kids and teachers alike. During the opening prayer time of one class, a child prayed for visitors that day and a few minutes later, two kids showed up at the door to join class! I love it when God answers prayers so clearly, especially the prayers of children. He really does hear us!

On the toddler front, we have been able to open the Beginnings Room a handful of times since our spring update. All of our newly trained parents have had the opportunity to staff the Beginnings Room at least once. We will continue to open the room as needed when we have three or more toddlers who are old enough and ready to participate.

Future Plans

As the summer winds down, we will be finishing up our studies in the book of Acts. When the new school year starts in September, Foundations class will begin using a newer version of Answers Bible Curriculum geared for Grades 4 & 5. If you’d like, you could pray that this change would be a helpful tool for the spiritual growth of the kids in Foundations.

Resource – Sharing God’s Glorious Deeds

Whether or not you are a parent or Children’s Ministry volunteer, we all have children in our lives whom God gives us opportunities to interact with. If you are looking for some conversation starters or activity ideas that will help you to share God’s glorious deeds with the next generation, here is a PDF from full of 15 ideas to do just that.

March 22, 2024 The Children's Ministry


With the burst of babies at church, the past few months have involved some Beginnings Room preparations. Beginnings is the name of our toddler ministry for children ages 6 months through 4 years old. As much as possible the Children’s Ministry seeks to be a parent-run ministry, as we believe that it is important for parents to take an active role in their child’s education.

With this goal in mind, at the end of February we held a training session for parents with children old enough to participate in the Beginnings Room. These parents are now able to help staff the Beginnings Room when it is open. The training also served as a refresher for our volunteers who have been staffing the “on call” Beginnings Room up to this point. We are still just opening the room on an “as needed” basis on Sundays, but we will be ready if the day comes when we have a need for Beginnings on a weekly basis again.


In Foundations, the Elementary-aged kids have been learning about the authority of Jesus as they meet for class every other Sunday. Most recently we studied about what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus, and why our response to Jesus is so important. Just like in church upstairs, in Foundations we don’t shy away from the hard things that the Bible says.


I recently listened to a Webinar from Truth78 titled “Choices Facing the Next Generation: Wisdom or Foolishness?The webinar offered many practical ideas for helping to lead children on the path of wisdom. Truth78 is a ministry whose mission is “to inspire and equip the church and the home for the comprehensive discipleship of the next generation.” I would highly recommend this webinar for anyone looking for help in this area!

November 22, 2023 The Children's Ministry
Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Psalm 127:3

“On Call” Beginnings Room

It has been several years since we had the need for a Beginnings toddler room during the Sunday church service. But in addition to the new babies that have been arriving within our church family, we’ve had quite a few visiting families lately with young children. And while we aren’t at the point yet where a Beginnings Room is necessary every week, the need has arisen for an “on call” Beginnings Room.

Over the past month we have worked to declutter the Beginnings Room and get it back to a usable state. There is also a team of child-loving grandmas who are part of an “on call” rotation to staff the room when the need arises. We make the decision by 10:30 each Sunday whether or not to open the room. So far we’ve had a Beginnings Room once, and are ready to minister to families through this avenue as God sees fit to give us that opportunity.

Christmas Program Practice

At the beginning of November, we started practicing for a Christmas Program together with the Believers Homeschool Group. For the performance this year, we are venturing outside the walls of our building and trying something new. We will be presenting the Christmas Program at a local senior living facility on a Thursday afternoon in December. The program will include several well-known Christmas songs sung and accompanied by the kids, as well as a short skit about the birth of Jesus (with an opportunity for audience participation!). Hopefully it will bring a smile to the faces of the residents who live there. The kids are doing a great job practicing, and we look forward to the opportunity to share the gift of Jesus with them this Christmas!

July 22, 2023 The Children's Ministry

One of the things that I like about our church is that all of our classes continue to meet throughout the summer, including Foundations! Foundations is our class for early elementary aged children (Kindergarten – 4th grade). Have you ever wondered what goes on in a typical Foundations class? If so, let me tell you!

Memory Verse Practice

During the gathering time as children are being dropped off, memory verse practice is often taking place. Over the course of 5-6 class periods (and with some practice at home), the kids learn a new memory verse that relates to the lessons they are studying. For example, they just finished learning John 1:14 as they have begun to study Jesus and the gospels. This is a great way for them to hide God’s Word in their hearts!

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. ~John 1:14

Pray and Study the Word

Before we begin the day’s lesson we pray together, often sharing and praying for each other’s prayer requests. Next comes the Bible study portion of class. This is when we read our scripture for the day together and take time to examine what it says by asking and answering questions. Who are the verses about? Who is speaking? Are there big words we need to define? What does this all mean?

Review and Apply

Following the Bible study, an activity or review game is played to help reiterate the main ideas of the lesson. And finally, we tie everything together by talking about how we can take what we learned from the Bible and apply it in our everyday life.

I think the kids appreciate getting to have the opportunity to learn and grow together in Foundations, just as we adults are thankful for the class opportunities that we have through this church! Thank you for your prayers for the kids and for this ministry!