Month: April 2024

April 28, 2024 The Homeschool Ministry

The Homeschool Group has had a busy couple of months, meeting regularly on Thursday afternoons.  In January and February, we did a drawing class and had a game day.  We didn’t make it sledding this year, but were able to ice skate together once.  We ended up walking quite a bit on local trails.

In March and April, we went out to the woods to do some hiking.  Most of the time we had great weather.  One time we even walked through snow!

Recently, a few of us parents went to a Homeschool Conference in Duluth.  Our group’s biggest take away was the sessions that were held on high school and post high school/career exploration.  As our kids get older, this is something we need to plan for.  It was also great to see the members of the Duluth church serving coffee from their coffee trailer at the event.

If you or anyone you know is interested in joining our group for Thursday meetings, please direct them to

April 16, 2024 Co/Mission Couples Ministry

Over the past few months, the OneLife Couples Ministry enjoyed the near absence of winter and we are now embracing the arrival of spring.

In January, we met in Menomonie, River Falls, and various small towns to eat together and hang up posters to promote the local community Bible discussions. We are very thankful to be able to say that we have had visitors come as a direct result of these posters.

To break the cabin fever, which wasn’t too much of a risk this winter, we enjoyed the sights, sounds, and smells of Como Zoo & Conservatory in February. We grabbed lunch/coffee at various places in the Twin Cities and everyone returned home with all of their fingers and toes intact.

In March, our members met together to enjoy pizza and a night of trivia. We were able to get to know some more things about one another through some of the questions. (Ask Connor and Maddy what they’d do if they won a million dollars.) Apparently, there are a lot of fans of the TV show Psych in our group!

Most recently, we got out hiking at Hoffman Hills followed by a picnic lunch. Quite a few of us climbed the observation tower and got to see an eagle soar overhead. We could not have asked for a more beautiful day for a hike in the woods. We are thankful for the friendships and marriages God has entrusted to all of us and look forward to growing together in the months and years ahead.

April 10, 2024 Pastor Justin Thomson - Duluth

In 1808 Sir Walter Scott penned a line that would become more popular than he likely realized at the time: “Oh, what a tangled web we weave” he wrote into an act called “Marmion”, “when first we practice to deceive”.


More of a keen observation than a fictional quip, the fact that sin makes our life a knotted mess isn’t hard to see. Read the script of Israel’s second king and you’ll know what I mean.

Called by God and anointed by the Spirit, yes, but David was no angel. He would eventually transgress again and again. Lust followed by adultery, and then after that, solicitation for murder. A series of sinister decisions turned everything into a tangled clutter. His sin, not surprisingly, would end in death (II Sam.12:18).

Judas was similar. Greed followed by theft, and then after that, conspiracy to murder. Like his Jewish forbear, Judas’ sin jumbled up his entire life, and likewise ended in death (Mt.27:5).  


David & Judas: The King of Israel had a penchant for women; the Disciple of Christ had a thing for money, and both accounts ended with a funeral. Different vice, same result. What started in the heart, culminated in the grave. Oh, what a tangled web we weave

The lasting reputation of these two men, however, are polar opposite: Judas is forever labelled as the “son of perdition”, while David is remembered as “a man after God’s own heart”. Putting these accounts side by side makes you wonder how David was able to escape the snare, while Judas wasn’t so fortunate. What was the difference between them both that resulted in such contrasting legacies?


There’s a story told of woman who worked long ago at a textile mill. With an occupation like hers, it was inevitable that there would be occasional tangles in the thread. This being the case for all who worked in the mill, a sign was hung on the factory floor that read: “When your thread gets tangled, call on the foreman”. To no one’s surprise but her own, the woman’s work eventually got snarled.

Embarrassed of herself and concerned for her position, she tried to ignore the sign. “Calling for help might get me in trouble” she thought, “I’ll just straighten this out myself”. She tried and she tried to untangle that thread, but she only made her situation worse. Finally, she called the foreman and said, “I did the best I could”. To which the cunning foreman replied, “No, you didn’t. The best thing you could have done was to call on me”.

Everybody at the mill gets their threads tangled.

When David became entangled in sin, he called upon God. It was the best thing he could’ve done. As promised, the Heavenly Foreman rescued him from distress (see Psalm 32). When Judas became entwined, however, he tried and tried to untangle that thread, but he only made his situation worse. The foreman wasn’t called upon, and Judas lost his position.

Therein lies the difference between the two men. David called upon God, whereas Judas tried to fix the problem on his own.

What would you do? After all, everybody at the mill gets their threads tangled, but only some will call upon the foreman.


Sir Walter Scott wasn’t the first to realize that characters like us have a knack for weaving ourselves into an awfully tangled web. Every player in human history knows that’s true. But are you enmeshed in your sin? Are you trapped in a web of deceit that you’ve woven yourself?

There’s no need to lose your position over it. Call on the Foreman. It’s the best thing you could do. He alone knows how to resolve the issue and untangle your life once again. He’s done it for others, He can do it for you.  

FINALLY…I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt. And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone! Therefore, let all the godly pray to you while there’s still time, so they don’t drown in judgment” – Psalm 32