The Homeschool Group has had a busy couple of months, meeting regularly on Thursday afternoons. In January and February, we did a drawing class and had a game day. We didn’t make it sledding this year, but were able to ice skate together once. We ended up walking quite a bit on local trails.

In March and April, we went out to the woods to do some hiking. Most of the time we had great weather. One time we even walked through snow!
Recently, a few of us parents went to a Homeschool Conference in Duluth. Our group’s biggest take away was the sessions that were held on high school and post high school/career exploration. As our kids get older, this is something we need to plan for. It was also great to see the members of the Duluth church serving coffee from their coffee trailer at the event.

If you or anyone you know is interested in joining our group for Thursday meetings, please direct them to