Month: February 2024

February 20, 2024 River Falls Ministry

This winter has been a season of newness for River Falls. We are thankful for everyone’s support and prayers as we started Church on Sundays.

Here is a snapshot of what we have been up to over the past few months.

Believers Church

Believers Church River Falls continues to meet at Juniors on Sunday evenings. We incorporate fellowship time into every Sunday by having a small meal together before. On New Year’s Eve, we also had a game night together.

Additionally, we have been diligently putting up posters, getting out into the community, and finding other ways to let people know we are around. Over the past few months, we continued to meet new people and have had a few return visitors.

Street Level Ministries / Believers Campus Church

Street Level ended the fall semester with a gingerbread house-making Christmas party. The talent levels varied, but we had a great time in fellowship before most of the students went home for winter break.

At the end of January, a new semester began. We continue to meet each Monday in the student center (Pete’s Creek Corner) on the UW-River Falls Campus. Also, we have been setting up regular tables on campus to let people know what we have going on. Throughout the last few weeks, we have also seen a few new faces at Street Level.

Blind Munchies Coffeehouse

We brought the coffeehouse into the local community and onto both college campuses in River Falls during the last few months. In January, we were able to do a coffee giveaway in the community at Dick’s Fresh Market. It was one of the few frigid days this winter, but we still had the opportunity to talk to a few people and invite them to Sunday church. Recently, we gave away coffee on the CVTC campus and hot chocolate on the UW-River Falls campus. We connected with students interested in learning more about the Bible studies and events we have going on.

Prayer Requests

  • That God will be working in the River Falls community and for the right people to connect with us
  • For maturity/growth in the people that have been joining us
  • For vision and direction from God as we reach out to the community & campuses in River Falls