There is an ongoing debate in River Falls about what the best season is. While we may not agree on what the best season is (…of course it is summer…), we can all agree that we look forward to the college students returning to town for a new school year. With the return of the students, we have been spending time focusing on meeting new students hoping to build relationships with them.
We kicked off the school year with a couple of coffee giveaways on the UW River Falls campus. Some returning students and a few people from Menomonie joined in to help. Also, we were able to do a couple of tables on campus. We met a few new students during these events that have since checked out Campus Church or Street Level.

Campus Church
We are back to regular meetings for Campus Church and Street Level. Campus Church is meeting in the same room as last year, right next to the dining hall on campus. During the last few weeks, a number of new people stopped in and checked out the service. Many of them stayed around after the teaching to hang out and get to know us.

Street Level UWRF
Street Level started meeting on campus this semester. We gather around a few tables in the University Center and have a Bible discussion. We have also had some new students attend Street Level the last few weeks.
Bonus: Some of us also got together to go on a hike near Glen Park.
Prayer Requests:
- That God would be working in the college-age people/students in the River Falls area
- Developing relationships with new students
- Continued vision and direction for the ministry