What We Did This Summer
The Homeschool Group continued to meet weekly over the summer months. In June, July, and August, we spent our group time doing various team building activities that challenged the kids to work together to build various items out of a variety of different materials. Soccer, baseball and basketball kept us exercising, even during the hot, sweaty days of summer.
Despite being on summer break, we were able to sneak in some science lessons with Kayla teaching physics and Laura teaching on creation science (thanks Kayla and Laura). In addition to our regular meetings, we had fun camping and canoeing (thank you to Bryan and Laura) together, as well as taking a field trip to Winona, MN to visit a lock and dam and an art museum.
More Recent Activities
We officially started “Back to School” Season with School Picture Day. Area homeschoolers were invited to have a picture taken (thanks Elissa). Beach day was a blast and we had a good turnout of new families, sand some have kept coming on Thursdays.
Throughout September and October, we went back to rotating between drawing lessons and book reading for our Thursday meetings together. We had fun playing volleyball and football during the last warm(er) days of the year.
October’s field trip took us to a Scouting Facility called Basecamp near St. Paul. The kids had a great time working together on team building skills, as well as learning archery and rock climbing. Even the moms got to take a turn!

What’s Coming Up
In November and December, we will keep on with our Thursday activities, but also add in practicing for the Christmas program in late December. The kids had such a great time performing for everyone last year that they wanted to do it again! Thank you for being a fabulous audience and encouraging them to perform on stage.